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Long-term intake of female hormones and the two little balls down there can sometimes be incompatible. Well, at least she got huge breasts and brainwashed! =D




Is this orchi or atrophy and they pulled into the canals


If only we could fuck her


I don't think she'll say no - the question is where to find her! =D


What an unfortunate loss. Little balls are always cute. Though I suppose by that expression, she doesn't mind that her two low hanging companions no longer accompany the little dongle of hers any more, so I suppose that it doesn't matter.


But now she'll be able to experience a new level of smoothness down there! On top of that, nothing will keep her from wearing cute panties anymore! After all, if it's a big deal, she can always get herself a prosthetic double silicone balloon 😂


Lol. I would say that balls only make the panty bulge Cuter, but smoothness I suppose is a price worth paying for lol. And you're right. If she wants them back, she can just invest in a pair of fake ones to fill that empty scrote of hers :)