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This is far from the first time I've tried to write something. Hopefully this time I'll still get to the stage where I'm posting this.

Anyway, to make a long story short, I'm moving. Or rather, I've already moved. To another country.

It was obvious to me that this was the only option back nine months ago. However, not everyone is lucky and not everyone has the opportunity to move to a country they like easily. Some people, like me, had to work very hard, spend a lot of money, time and effort to do it. However, now, 9 months later, I am here in Finland.

Unfortunately, the move turned out to be quite a traumatic experience for me. Even though I think I was very well prepared, I still found myself unprepared for reality. Unfortunately, my body is also not dealing very well with the aftermath of the move.

There is a strong desire now to go into detail and start telling you how many unexpected difficulties I encountered, but perhaps I should overcome this desire and report the most important thing - I am alive and have a roof over my head. Yesterday I was also able to get my computer back up and running, so I will be able to get to work soon.

It is frightening to imagine what those who do not have the opportunity to prepare due to circumstances have to face.

What conclusion can be drawn from what I wrote? I have no idea.




Greetings form Norway then!


Enjoy the alcohol prices

James Franco

Congrats, glad you made it to a safer place :)


Big takeaway should be you got there and you're alive. Remember that first and foremost since that is the most important thing.


That sounds like such a big change and such a challenging experience, I wish you the best in your new home 💖


Luckily for me, it's not the type of product I'm in high demand for =D


Yes, it's pretty important, and I try to tell myself that more often ;)


Thank you so much! This really is one of the hardest challenges of my life, but I believe I will get through it in the end!