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Looks like patreon is attacked with tons of bots, wich are pledging minimum summ after every "patron only" post!

The most funny thing is that patreon itseld don't care about it at all. They are focused on inviting more and more creators to charge more and more fee for themself.

The "bot" problem isn't the new one. It lasts at least more then 1.5 years. First I thought that it is local problem (mine), but looks like all creators on patreon have faced with those bots lol.

That shows us how "good" patreon system is working and what for they collecting their fees =D

Anyways, if you see a creator with $500 per art, don't rush to envy him. Probably he has the same problems with bots, who are pledging but never get charged.

Kinda my thoughts about this all.


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