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Well, here's a new page of the comic about the adventures of the silly kitten! Although, if you think about it, all comics about this kitten are comics about the adventures of a rather silly kitten... But, who knows, maybe things will change?

This time we see Alice in about the same time period. Let's find out how the story will unfold.


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As someone who doesn't follow this too much.. is there something I'm missing? Feels like such a big and sudden jump between 134 and 135.. is there some context to this, or will that be explained in the future?


In fact, I was afraid that's what it would look like.I can say that this will be explained in more detail in the future, but the point is that the events on this page take place a little earlier than those on the previous pages. If need be, I can give more clues ;-)


былобы очень хорошо получить объяснения. А то чем длиннее комикс тем больше сквозной сюжет страдает


What the actual fudge is happening? Did this turn into some futuristic, multidimensional, time travel plot or something? This is definitely not what I would've predicted would happen.


I can tell you that there is no time travel or multiverse here (at least not yet, hahaha). And what's really going on will be explained without any magic ;-)


Вообще, перефразируя Ганибала Лектора, я могу сказать, что всё что нужно для понимания происходящего, уже есть в страницах комикса ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Well that's good. That would've been very creative but I also wouldn't have liked the direction that would go.