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So here it is, the 127th page! Looks like kitty finally reached his reward... The kitten just had to sacrifice his brain for this. Will everything be really this easy for him? Well... Time will show... ;-)

And what the heck those symbols are?!


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What is going on

Joshua Booth

I for one hope that the poor kit still has some semblance of mental capability and self determination after this. I cant help but feel if this does completely and irrevocably obliterate their prior personality they run the risk of becoming "Just another porn protagonist". I sorely hope I am wrong as this is one of my favourite series to read ever.


I mean their brain was super messed up from the hypnosis and they were still pretty alright. I’m sure they’ll be fine.


I can not spoil the plot, so I can not upset or comfort you. However, I can say that time will show. Perhaps time will show much earlier than it seems ;-)

Heru Solares

heh, I nearly got everything translated~ I'm not gonna spoil what I found, but send me a DM if you wanna see ;3

Heru Solares

got it all translated, and now I'm gonna look back at the previous pages~


ooo that was enough for me to get it started once I figured out where that went... do those symbols appear elsewhere?