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Hey guys! The next artwork may be made more like a comic - with some close-ups and some text.

The persons will be the same - Ginger and "Professor Dragon without wings but with some dick".

But let's think about newer artworks! What would you like to see?

More Ginger with boobs?

Some chastity?

More active herms? Or less herms at all?

Some horses maybe?



Hmm... thats a hard call. Love the idea of chastity but seeing Ginger with boobs is also appealing. Perhaps a bit of a feminization comic where Ginger is locked up to make him only able to cum like a girl with the breasting as a finale? Might be fun but it's all up to your inspiration Ginger. If that idea sparks an idea, all the better, but we all support the patreon to see what YOU do, not just what we think you should do. Follow your inspiration and see where it takes you.


Thank you for the warm words! =) Well, if everything goes right, comic will be started in Oct., I already have some scenario for it =)