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Seems like in this year I'll be able to upgrade my PC.

Mostly I will use used components for my PC to save some money (any price for new computer stuff is like ~200% here =/ ).

Basicaly my PC will have: i7 6770 (~4Ghz) and 16gb ddr4

The question I have is about videocard.

For a long time I'm dreaming about good videocard, but as I said before, prices are usually 200% here (f.e. lowest price for Nvidia RTX 2080 ti is ~$1500). Same with all other stuff. So I want to make sure which one is better to buy: RTX 2080 or Radeon VII. Cuz, you know, I'm not too good in all this computer stuff actually...



Unless I missed something the Radeon VII is not out yet and we only have the benchmarks AMD released themselves. So I'd at least wait until all the sites have tested the aftermarket versions.


Forgot to tell - the nearest date for pc update is early August))


Why such an expensive setup? I am not sure how much power is needed for your rendering but I usually go by toms-hardware system build guide for a good $1500-$2000 system every 4 years or so.


Then definitely wait until more info and tests are out. (Although it looks like Nvidia might win this round)


Sometimes you just want to have the overkill build


go for the VII, since it should be a 2080-70 competitor, and since its AMD its gonna have a "normal" price of 700$


Make sure the bugs have been tested out of the 2080 ti. Current testing has shown it to have annoyingly high crash rates if that's not fixed I'd go with the 2080. Nvidia has historically had more longevity for graphics cards than their AMD counterparts along with more reliable support when it comes to software updates.


Note the 2080 and the 2080 ti are slightly different cards the ti boasting some higher ratings, but with current bugs the 2080 is more reliable.


I would honestly wait for reviews/benchmarks for the radeon VII before thinking about it. We know what the performance of a 2080 is but right now the radeon VII is just speculation as to true performance. AMD has also generally been behind nvidia for the past decade in driver support and feature set but is getting better. Best bang for buck though would be a used 1080ti if you can find one at a good price.


Tbh if money is an issue I would buy a secondhand 1080ti the RTX series are just too expensive for what you get and AMD GPU devision is just not performing good especially the high end. In summery don’t buy AMD for now unless they prove themselves again like the CPU department if you need it now get a 1080ti and if you can wait go for a next generation Nvidia even tho it’s probably going to take ages. But yea 1080ti is your best bet right now


I don't trust nearby second hand videocard sellers, cuz they are usually selling cards from mining farms, that's why I want card from store... And new 1080ti have even a higher price than 2080 in here... :(


I just saw they are using new 7nm techprocess in radeon vii, and, according to what leaked from their stand, fps in farcry 5 is equal to 2080 which is on 12nm


I heared they want to sell it for $700 only, but Im more than sure that here price will be $200 higher...


I just want to play some cool games on at least 1440p resolution for first time in my life =D And to not upgrade my pc on nearby 2-3 years


I heard something about that problem, but I'm not too good in all this analysis...


Yes they are using the new 7nm and it may be really good, but right now the only benchmarks are ones that amd has done, not third party ones that would be unbiased. Also at $700 it is very similar in price to the 2080 so performance and feture set is more important. But the 1080ti is also very similar in performance to the 2080 and used can generally be found for $200 less so I would say if money is tight to go for a 1080ti. Also what are you planning on using it for can inpact which is better as amd cards are generally better for rendering than nvidia.


Well since you wanna game at 1440P I'd suggest a Vega 64. They're going down in price with the announcement of the Vega7 and as long as you buy one that isn't a blower style card the temps and acoustics are quite tolerable. I made that mistake and spent most of the afternoon yesterday doing this. <a href="https://imgur.com/D4bZBZ8" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/D4bZBZ8</a> <a href="https://imgur.com/ZRJqnX7" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/ZRJqnX7</a> It was just annoyingly loud otherwise


For 1440p the new rtx 2060 is showing to be a solid performer as well and its only $350 msrp so that is something to look at as well, a rtx 2080 for 1440p is actually a bit overkill unless you want to not need an upgrade for 5 years.


It's funny how the 2060 is likely to end up competing against the Vega 64 here in the short term since it is going down in price to $400 usd (right now) and the 2060 will likely sell for over $400 after the launch shipments have cleared the shelves (retail's gonna retail) and non reference style cards will deffinately be that price once they ship and stay there till August.


Hey, i just want to inform you that your pc cant run these two video cards as i really looked around and asked so many people... i wanted to upgrade my own pc (i7-6700k) but everyone said its better not go to anywhere higher than GTX 1000 or RX 500 You want recommendation and here you go ... if you like contact me @LurDraigo on Twitter or Telegram if you want more help c: