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Hello everyone,

this post contains important informations about the future of this page and about changes in pricing.

As stated in a recent post, I am forced, for several reasons (most of them positive :3) to spend less time drawing. Therefore I'll also post less drawings on this page.

I'm making changes in the pricing of the different tiers. However it is more complicated than anticipated. For safety reasons, I can't just change the price of the active tiers, not even for lower prices. This is why I'm replacing the old tier 2 and 3 with new cheaper ones.

If you are currently pledging for the "old tier 2" or the "old tier 3", those are now "unpublished" on my page. It means they remain active, and new posts will still be published for them. However, the new "tier 2" and "tier 3" have just been created, at a slightly cheaper price.

For now the same content will be posted on the old tiers and their equivalent new tier. If you plan to continue supporting me and my art, I strongly recommend editing your pledge for one of the new cheaper tiers.

I have changed the description of tier 1, which states the mimum amount of drawings I plan to publish each month. So I don't want to hide the fact that the reduction of the amount of drawings will be more important than the reduction of the prices.

I will make all the posts from 2023 available for the equivalent new tiers. It may take a few hours to complete the task because I have to edit each post one by one.

If you have questions regarding these changes, feel free to ask in the comments or with a private message. I may not be able to answer all the technical questions about Patreon though.

Once again, thank you for you moral and financial support, and I hope you'll enjoy the coming new drawings =)




Well, thanks for the heads-up. I think these changes will only be for the better. So take care of yourself and enjoy life to the fullest!