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Yesssss we getting fed love you both to pieces W CHRED


Fun fact bada is part of jam republic


can't believe this is my last swf reaction 😭😭 defo binging all the future eps once i can get platinum. i hope y'all enjoy swf1 !!!! ♡♡


Can't believe it's already done 😭!! The place BEBE went to is called Lotte world, its like an indoor amusement park and its a pretty famous tourist spot in Seoul. I guess im gonna have to upgrade my membership to watch ur swf 1 reactions cause I can't get enough🙌🏾🙌🏾. There's also a behind the scenes episode (from the finals) that you can watch where they just show you how the crews worked towards the finals.

Kamryn Byrd

Yess! This was awesome ❤️


I loved watching this season with you guys, it was so fun to see your reactions. I think it was so clear BEBE would win but for Jam to be up there as an international crew and for so many koreans to support them is amazing. Watching this live was hard though as a fan of Jam because they only allowed voting through korean numbers. It always makes me wonder if they did it through online votes if Jam could've won...I guess we'll never know. Also to your thoughts on Jam Republic's first performance, I always felt like they had such a disadvantage bc they only had 5 members, so they couldnt make a lot of these pictures and formations that other crews could. I personally thought it was great but you're right it missed some of the WOW moments the other crews could put on. I really can't wait to see y'all watch the other seasons. BTW, do y'all see yourselves watching Street Dance Girls Fighter? I feel like you'd enjoy that as well.

Jameshia Bell

Loves watching S2 with you guys, can't wait for S1. Are you also going to watch Street Man Fighter 1 and Street Dance Girls Fighter 2?


been waiting for this!! i haven’t seen much from swf 1 so i can’t wait for y’all to watch it!


Had SO much fun watching with you guys, hope you guys continue the Street - Fighter shows, any of them tbh, they are all fun to watch.


Are we doing s1 right away? 🤞🤞

Camryn Thompson

im a sore loser and really wanted Jam to win BUT lol, i feel like while BEBE's second performance was cool it gave me too much of jabawockeez vibe so it didn't feel incredibly original imo, however, after finally getting over my pettiness LOL i did really enjoy the Rihanna performance of theirs, not more than Jam's but it was good i cant deny that. Also i heard that Jam didn't get much time to choreograph a lot of time so it kinda made it rough for them throughout the show, they still did amazing with what they had but it kinda sucks that was the outcome.


I was waiting too see if anyone commented and i came off the back of your crew song performace vid. To let yall know some inside info, Jam had the shortest time to actually prepare their performances due to them all having to fly in and out of korea constantly so in the finale they got like some crazy overall time, i think it was like 13 hours they got to make their choreo and that was it for the finale. Meanwhile other crews had TWO WEEKS... So thats probably why it didn't live up too expectations sadly </3