Stirring The Pot - Recipe Book Information (Patreon)
- Discover University for STANDING version
- Get to Work for Baking desserts
- Outdoor Retreat any recipe that uses a stock pot in the recipe process (ex: the African recipes) require Outdoor Retreat. When the stock pot is on the stove, the animation used is the herbalism stirring animation. This is because the original stirring animation is so ridiculous with all of that twirling and flipping bullsh*t and looks so unrealistic I absolutely hate it. Not all recipes use that animation, but unfortunately if it does and you do not have that pack, there isn't much I can do about it.
- MTS TheFoodGroup Custom Food Interactions
- Delete the MACOSX folder
- Standing version requires MAIN package
- There is an override with this cookbook
Some recipes require/will require using the base game stock pot on the stove. The stock pot object has been edited to have its default object state as "food on" so the food can be seen in the stock pot while cooking on the stove. After cooking, the sim still grabs the stock pot the same way the would the regular sauce pot when plating the food: there is nothing I can do about that. Any mod that overrides this same object will be incompatible. I do not know of any mod so you should be good.
NOTE: 3/22/2022
- fixed an issue with canning and my stock pot override. You were unable to finish canning. I promise yall I JUST noticed this I'm so srrrrry and fixed it ASAP 😭