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quick update to sack lunch override to auto go in inventory after "make sack lunch"

conflicts with:


Nail Polish + Lid

REDONE Hairspray (no more got to b on the face lol)

Mac Fix+ (for the face)

Styrofoam take out container lunch sack override

house keys (they kinda float but whatever lol) when you give household keys to someone

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$5 bill coin override




Bestie be going in, thinking of all the ish we need on a daily. Love this girl, thanks you again

Dani B.

Will the billboard one conflict with any other billboard overrides?

Amber Myers

okay OPI & to go container periodT 🙌🙌


Two overrides of the same object will conflict resulting in whose ever cc is read by the game first being the override that will be shown to you

Ashley Hall

You on a roll tuhday!!!💪🏾🔥

Kiara Wyatt Bradford

Yes thank you… the amount of times I have my sims make lunch and I forget to put it in their inventory 😒