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Atticus Omundson

How do you think Lelouch convinced Suzaku to forgive him for killing Euphemia?

Malik Black

I would like to hear your thoughts on how powerful Lelouch's geass power is after this episode.


Regarding Lelouch's geass, what do you think, in specific, triggered it to become more powerful? And what are your thoughts on him switching so readily from wishing to avenge Marianne's death to, essentially, erasing her from existence alongside Charles—and how might learning the truth affect his actions and mindset later down the line, if at all? Also, that whole takeover scene at the end was fucking epic, Lelouch (and Suzaku) sure know how to make one hell of a statement, don't they~😆

Eric C

What are your thoughts on Marianne (having finally seen her face to face) and her willingness to go along with Charles' plan, to the point of sealing away the mind of a child as she was dying? As well as Lelouch's conviction to stand in her way? (when her death was the starting point of it all for him)


Code Geass borrows Carl Jung's theory of a Collective Unconsciousness (that every individual's traits are derived from a single shared collective) as a means to imagine the extinguishment of lies by destroying what separates individuals minds' thus melding humanity's consciousness into one, as oposed to only their uncounsciousness. Lelouch believes that having humanity merge into one mind would make a stagnant world of memories. What do you think of Lelouch and Suzaku's decision to reject that plan even though it would've united them with Nunnally and Euphy?

First Grade Sorcerer - Day (edited)

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2024-03-20 23:45:04 Charles' and Marianne's plan was extraordinary, incredibly interlaced with layers and trickery, and Lelouch was able to listen and understand all of it with Charles' expositioning in this episode. Lelouch was then able to completely upend their great plan but then was faced with a new issue, what happens to the world now? With the 1 month timeskip, it's clear Lelouch and Suzaku planned something out as they announced Lelouch as the 99th emperor and Suzaku as the Knight of 0 (zero's knight haha.) What do you think their plan is now that Lelouch has just geass-ed everyone into accepting that he is the new monarch?
2024-03-20 23:45:04 Charles' and Marianne's plan was extraordinary, incredibly interlaced with layers and trickery, and Lelouch was able to listen and understand all of it with Charles' expositioning in this episode. Lelouch was then able to completely upend their great plan but then was faced with a new issue, what happens to the world now? With the 1 month timeskip, it's clear Lelouch and Suzaku planned something out as they announced Lelouch as the 99th emperor and Suzaku as the Knight of 0 (zero's knight haha.) What do you think their plan is now that Lelouch has just geass-ed everyone into accepting that he is the new monarch?
2024-03-12 19:27:55 Charles' and Marianne's plan was extraordinary, incredibly interlaced with layers and trickery, and Lelouch was able to listen and understand all of it with Charles' expositioning in this episode. Lelouch was then able to completely upend their great plan but then was faced with a new issue, what happens to the world now? With the 1 month timeskip, it's clear Lelouch and Suzaku planned something out as they announced Lelouch as the 99th emperor and Suzaku as the Knight of 0 (zero's knight haha.) What do you think their plan is now that Lelouch has just geass-ed everyone into accepting that he is the new monarch?

Charles' and Marianne's plan was extraordinary, incredibly interlaced with layers and trickery, and Lelouch was able to listen and understand all of it with Charles' expositioning in this episode. Lelouch was then able to completely upend their great plan but then was faced with a new issue, what happens to the world now? With the 1 month timeskip, it's clear Lelouch and Suzaku planned something out as they announced Lelouch as the 99th emperor and Suzaku as the Knight of 0 (zero's knight haha.) What do you think their plan is now that Lelouch has just geass-ed everyone into accepting that he is the new monarch?

First Grade Sorcerer - Day (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-20 23:45:04 also if you ever rewatch this series, I recommend skipping to the end of each episode and watching the ep. preview because Lelouch does a voiceover recap and questions the events that happens in the episode, like a 4th wall break
2024-03-20 23:45:04 also if you ever rewatch this series, I recommend skipping to the end of each episode and watching the ep. preview because Lelouch does a voiceover recap and questions the events that happens in the episode, like a 4th wall break
2024-03-12 19:32:56 also if you ever rewatch this series, I recommend skipping to the end of each episode and watching the ep. preview because Lelouch does a voiceover recap and questions the events that happens in the episode, like a 4th wall break

also if you ever rewatch this series, I recommend skipping to the end of each episode and watching the ep. preview because Lelouch does a voiceover recap and questions the events that happens in the episode, like a 4th wall break