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Enjoy! Next ep next Saturday!


Danny C

Started a new job this week and plagued with meetings, but can't wait to watch this during lunch!


Oh Montana is in for some SERIOUS grit and determination this season!!!! Can't wait!!!!


This is one of my favorites episodes. I just really love everything season 4 is about. The two standout scenes are obviously the encounter with Chisaki and the talk with All Might. They just hit so hard. Can't wait for the rest of the episodes 👍

Erin Ryan

Based on the infromation we have so far, I don't think Mirio would be a good choice as a successor because of his quirk. Permeation is an incredibly hard quirk to control, then to add another diffictult quirk to control like ofa it will probably hinder him more

Big Fuze

I disagree just on the bases of this, we see that switch quirks is possible mid fight without any trouble, so imagine someone actually fighting Mirio into a corner while using OFA then suddenly he starts phasing through shit at still a break neck speed, I think he could but even if he couldn’t use both the powers at the same time, he would be unpredictable on a new level. You never know if you try to block he may hit you with ridiculous force, Or just phase through your guard. Also OFA can be used on singular body parts which mirio is a master at so imagine a 100% smash that couldn’t be blocked with the user possible coming from any direction. From the combat ability lens only mirio would have been the best choice

Brendan O'Connor

Permeation would also be augmented, to what degree is hard to imagine. I’d like to think he could sink as deep as the outer core before shooting back out. Whether or not that becomes harder to control or easier to use we’d only see if he received OFA

Robin B

Eri is really the purest soul of this show I swear

Big K

Dude hearing Eri squeak that little “please don’t go” was the most heartbreaking thing I’ve ever heard

Big K

Also I feel like Deku willing to spook Hassaki in order to save Eri was just the same as him risking his own life to save Kota from Muscular


i always forget how tall allmight is, they shorten him a little in the anime


Right? He's 7'3 even in his powerless form and yet the anime shortens him 😭

David L

It's tough to say. Mirio credits a lot of his personal development to working with Sir, which we now know would have started shortly after Deku met All Might. So without that he likely would have gone into receiving OFA with a lot less skill/experience. Though is also still older and at least capable enough to be in UA on his own merits, so at the very least he would have, in theory, had much less trouble dealing with the massive power increase that OFA gives him.


i cant wait for the reactions for the next episode, its so raw

Brendan O'Connor

Thanks for choosing my question! This episode always gets me when All Might tells Deku he promises to live. Looking forward to the next!

Gabriel J Hallenbeck

i hope for the youtube vid the editor puts in the meme of "what would you do if there was a child right in front of you" when deku and mirio find eri

Blake N

This is entirely wrong. There are reasons Deku was a better choice. But this wasn't one of them. Mirio has already mastered his permeation at this point, and he has the body like All Might did as a youth, so he would be able to handle the power without hurting himself.

Blake N

Except that also risked the lives of many others. It's terrible that Eri is in the situation she's in, but she's one person. Mirio made the right decision, objectively. Chisaki is far more dangerous than one girl, no matter how sweet and pure she is. Also, Deku would have no chance against Chisaki in this particular circumstance, Mirio would have to capture him, and even if/when he did, the group would continue their mission and they'd be unable to catch them.

Big K

From a logistics standpoint, saving the many is more important than saving the one, but unless you’re a heartless robot, if you see a child shivering and crying as a obvious psychopath is hurting them, you’re gonna save then.

First Grade Sorcerer - Day (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-10 01:49:10 another ep, another skipped ending song 😭
2024-03-02 03:37:01 another ep, another skipped ending song 😭

another ep, another skipped ending song 😭


It’s just difficult scale wise because he’d have to tower over everything since you’re talking about someone who’s taller than Shaq. Having him be shorter lends itself better to All Might being in a weakened state