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Enjoy! Thank you all SO much for supporting the series, its been an INCREDIBLE journey!!



cyrus gudino

It’s been a long time coming, I finished the manga about 2 years ago and seeing everyone caught up and having witnessed this masterpiece truly makes me happy. Gonna miss Attack on Titan truly a peak story

Big K

I’m so damn excited. Y’all are the only reason I even started this show

Butthead faxe

oh I am SO hype at work rn I can't wait to go home abd watch this



H-Bomb 24

This has been a LONG time coming. When you guys started this, you weren't even married yet. Now look at you. 🥰


2:00:00 -- Another thing to think about is that, when the show has narration, the voice belongs to Armin, which strikes me as being purposeful. I definitely think it's reasonable to view him as the main character. Not only that, but I recently learned that the anime swapped Armin with Mikasa a few times (so a manga scene with Eren and Armin became an anime scene with Eren and Mikasa, or Armin was just removed entirely), so it feels like the anime slowly downplayed Armin... and yet he still feels like the main character. https://www.reddit.com/r/titanfolk/comments/tbmrea/the_fact_that_the_anime_replaced_armin_with/ I also learned the other day that Isayama wrote an AU (alternate universe) story with the Attack on Titan characters, and in it, Eren confesses to having feelings for Armin. So, if not the main character, then maybe Armin is the secret love interest in a New Game+ route? https://www.reddit.com/r/titanfolk/comments/oxso6y/isayama_wrote_whole_2_part_au_about_eren_trying/

Kohl Freeman

this was my first anime because of yall, and since then I've been able to enjoy so many stories and characters that I wouldn't have without yall, so as sad as it is to see it end, just a big thank you to yall for helping me enjoy peak fiction

Big K

Idk why, but Zeke just waving to Levi with the knowledge and intention of being slaughtered was kinda wholesome

Big K

God the way Armin and Zeke were able to convince Grisha, Beetroot, Porco, Marcel, etc to fight against eren was awesome

Hayden Smith

If you didn’t realize, the curse of Ymir was 13 years and the show ended after 13 years. Truly amazing

Colton Piper

Idk if anyone could make a good live action series. I feel like the kids would age out to quickly. Similar to what is happening in Stranger things. The kids are supposed to be in 9th grade, but are actually 22 -23 now. You can pass for 17-18 years old as a 22-23 year old, but there are very few 25 year olds who can pass for 15 year olds.


Ymir went towards the tree running away from hunters and their dogs. The boy walked toward it with his friend beside him. While history may be repeating itself, not everything will turn out like it did before.


So I followed the anime like you guys and also heard about negative opinions of the finale. From what I heard, part of it has to do with Ymir’s motive being such a mystery only for it to be something as cliche as “love”. Ive also heard that Eren’s mental breakdown in front of Armin was out-of-character, especially compared to his personality since Season 4 started. Im honestly curious to learn more about this from you guys or any manga reader so feel free to add on


as a manga reader, i think that a vast majority of readers loved the idea of eren being stone cold and powerful. i personally did not think it was out of character for him to finally show his emotions the way he did at the time he did. the start of s4 was the starting point of where, as an audience, we could no longer see into his head, that does not mean that eren just suddenly stopped feeling or caring. to me, when he broke down and confessed his true feelings to armin it was the "i can finally breathe" moment i was waiting for.

kevin forehand

i don't know if anyone told you already but the manga ending had different conversations and it had a different feel because of it


mikasa had headaches because ymir was constantly looking into her head trying to figure out what mikasa's decision would be. would she save eren as ymir saved the king? ymir couldnt break free from the king because she believed she loved him, therefore she saved him. having put eren in the position of the king, she believed mikasa would do the same. mikasa didn't, she killed eren herself, and that showed ymir she could be free and truly happy, letting the king be killed. it was so sad witnessing this 💔

Mark Romero

Eren DID do it for him. He said that this was the sight he wanted to see. He SAID he didn't know the outcome of whether his friends survived or not. He did it because he wanted to. Even if he had no control, he still wanted to wipe the world clean. He said to Armin in Paths, and to Ramses in the beginning of the 2nd to last episode. Is that right or am I missing something lol?


I'm glad I'm not the only one to catch that. Too many people assume the boy will simply be another Ymir.


i think people were upset cause they didn't like the fact that eren had to die. And on top of that was the realisation that "everything was for nothing" when we see the boy and the dog go into the tree again also upset some people. Personally i love the ending and i wouldn't want it any other way. when i read the manga i cried a lot but i think isayama did an amazing job. AND it's his first ever manga like...🤯

Æther Paradox

Great episode guys. I’m glad I was able to be here from the beginning. This series is one of the “games of catch” for me, and I’m really grateful to have shared that time with this community.

Warping Paradox

The way I interpret the message and themes of the show is that while history will always repeat itself that doesn't mean that life is meaningless or that as both individuals and a species our actions are somehow meaningless. Ymir ran to the tree to escape while the boy and the dog found it together as companions, erens choice drastically altered warfare and lead to this. In short, live for the sake of living, you will never get another chance to matter so greatly.

Ashley Garcia

Omg I feel so honored y’all answered my questionnnn. y’all’s reactions to this series has been so enjoyable and I’ll miss it! Thanks for the video!


What an insane ending...such a phenomenal show! A tragic, but realistic (and thus that much more powerful) ending!

Zak Moran

I actually really appreciated the way the dub lines of Zeke's reinforce this reading of it, that Ymir built an Immortal body out of fear. It makes sense, she was literally being hunted by dogs, while he is traveling with one at his side. I like to think that connecting with that primal source of life could yield something different if it was discovered with curiosity, and that defining Scout ideal of Understanding


The shade at the persistent sub people, incredible hahaha

Hannah N

"I flattened the world because I wanted to. because I wanted to see this sight. I don't actually know why. I just know that I wanted it so very badly." the words of an idiot who got his hands on power

Robin Carme

fun fact: the bird wrapping the scarf around Mikasa in the end is called "Stercorarius parasiticus", in english a Parasitic jaeger.

Brandon Gaines (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-21 18:40:25 So, Eren and Mikasa get buried in the their tree that eventually becomes another founder tree. Wowzers!
2024-01-09 07:56:09 So, Eren and Mikasa get buried in the their tree that eventually becomes another founder tree. Wowzers!

So, Eren and Mikasa get buried in the their tree that eventually becomes another founder tree. Wowzers!

Amaya Mix

would LOVE to see a livestream of discussing AOT. I think that you guys understood the themes and messages of this story so perfectly and understand the essence of attack on titan. This was such a long show and I would love to hear a comprehensive thought over the entire show while being able to give hindsight love to smaller moments in the show that you weren't able to include in this episode. I know that we as patreon members are sad to see this series come to an end and would love a last hurrah of attack on titan from you guys.


The reason for Mikasa being “the chosen one” is because she did what Ymir couldn’t, set her love aside to do what she had to. Ymir was infatuated with Fritz so she went out of her way to make him happy, putting him over herself, kinda like Mikasa did with Eren before.


I think the negative reaction was from some toxic people who didn't like Eren breaking down and having emotions at the end but it makes perfect sense to me because given his last words to Mikasa before that, and knowing she will only know his true feelings after he's dead, why WOULDN'T you actually share your feelings for the love of your life at that point without worrying about seeming pathetic


It's such a weird take to think that removing titans from the equation would have resulted in peace forevermore. Like, that is definitely how things work, there is no prejudice or violence anymore in the world. People are very strange, the cycle of violence and hatred literally continues literally as soon as Eren dies, with the Eldians arming themselves.

Angelia Dark

I'm personally in the camp of 'Love the Ending', because it makes you rethink back to the previous 'beginning'. Ymir came into contact with 'the source of Life', and her idea of 'Life' is strong enough to make it through a life of slavery. Her children perpetuated that 'Life', all of them slaves in one way or another, until it became outdated. Ymir was stuck in the world she created, eternal slavery, and Eren and his friends became her out. That 'Life' finally ended. In the after-credits scene, after seeing centuries of war with a tentative apocalyptic peace, it begs a new question: what could the kid and their dog want out of 'Life'?

Danny C

The collective "Ouuuuuuuuu" you both let out when Eren said "I'm a slave to freedom" was fantastic lol. Thanks for watching this show with us and sharing your thoughts, reactions, and Levi simping, it's been a great time :)

Danny Auerhahn

most of the negativity came from the conversation between Eren and Armin. The anime changed a lot in this conversation. In the manga Armin literally thanked Eren for becoming a mass murderer. Like, word for word, he said "Thank you for becoming a mass murderer". Also, the order in which Eren and Armin talked about stuff was switched around for the better. Armin also reacted better to Eren telling him that 80% of humanity will die than in the manga. All in all the anime changed a lot with this conversation and for the better for sure. To add to that, the war that happens at the very end in the anime clearly happens after a loooot of time has passed. In the manga it seemed more like a few decades, giving the impression that it was a war of vengeance due to the rumbling, which further made people angry because it rendered everything Eren did completely useless. In the anime it was clear that he reached his goal of not having a war of vengeance and allowing all his friends to have a peaceful life.

Joshua Hudson

As a manga reader, I didn’t personally have a problem with erens reaction. My main issue was a line of dialogue that Armin says something along the lines of “Thank you for becoming a mass murder for our sake.” I was really irked by this line and thought it was super cringe, but the anime rectified this by instead having Armin say that they’ll both be going to hell together and they’ll find each other. That small change really changed the way I received this ending and now I think it’s a really solid ending.

William Morales

I think Eren accomplished what he wanted in the end. His friends got to live long lives in relative peace.

Mathew G.

On one hand I loved the ending and the message it conveyed and would hate to see it bastardized by a cash grab sequel. But on the other hand I want to see the adventures of that kid and his dog to see if there were remnants of titan (or maybe titan adjacent) powers left behind in a post apocalyptic/self-destructed world.


Still wondering why the rumbling really stopped. From my understanding, when Eren reached out to Ymir and got her attention and everything, she regained her own will and basically agreed to support Eren. That would mean, the need for royal blood to control the founder shouldnt be a thing anymore, since it was tied to her being submissive towards royal blood in the past. But if she is in full control of her own thoughts and will, then why would Zeke still be necessary? The fandom critized a lot of the ending, but for me, this is the only weird thing I don't understand.


I’m pretty sure it’s because she technically was still attached to royal blood. Ymir wasn’t truly freed until Mikasa killed Eren.


Kenny was correct in that moment where Armin was back on the boat. That is the moment Eren talked to him through the paths (which doesn’t have to actually be in the sand place, just a dream like state) and as we saw before, he can do anytime he wants to any Eldian. He doesn’t need a bird lol, not sure where you got that idea.


The manga was written before the anime lol


wierdly they kept showing the bird motif this season even more than usual, and then the scarf pull at the end from the bird also made me think it may have been eren somehow haha but you're probz right it was just through paths


I mean even then they didn’t explicitly say it was the paths so we can always headcanon anything we want! I’d just like to think it’s little artistic “red thread” moments more than oh HE is the bird you know? Especially since actual reincarnation wasn’t talked about, would still be a cool idea though. Or Eren having bird spies lol

Hayden Smith

I’m talking about the anime, how long it took to make, the publication, the creating onto a screen, the airing all combined sorry I should’ve said that lol but ya

Daniel Schulze

I subscribed wayyyyyy long ago for avatar and AOT, and just resubbed for this month to watch AOT finale! I LOVE watching you guys react, and I have loved seeing you guys' relationship mature over these last few years. Keep putting in the work (especially you Kenny) it is CLEARLY EVIDENT that yall are passionate about culture, society and the arts. Keep making content and pushing for quality because it's the reason you guys are successful in the first place.


Something small to note, Falco is originally the Jaw titan because he ate Galiard when Zeke roared before the rumbling started (when Gabi shot Eren's head off). However, Falco had consumed some of Zeke's spinal fluid, so Falco has a bit of the beast in him as well, hence why he's able to fly as a bird. So he's part jaw, part beast.


Thanks for letting us go on this journey with you. Had the best time 🩷🤘

Tim Itnyre

At the very least, you should watch the Lost Girls OVA. It focuses on Annie and Mikasa and is fantastic, really growing both of them.


Armins VA's preformance was absolutley outstanding

delaney trent

Definitely should check out the Lost girls OVA after this


This is my first time watching the dub and it was incredible, especially Armins VA. Glad i was on this adventure with you guys.


So fun fact, the ending in the manga was different to this one, the creator changed a few things when the anime ending was being worked on. Also, the male voice towards the end is german and says "To you , 2000 years from now", making it a callback to the first episode and perpetuating the message that history repeats itself.


i kept holding off watching this because i have a horrible time finishing shows. i dont want them to end so i lose interest as a way to not finish it and not feel the feels. i found it really sad how this ended. i understand the point and really enjoyed the ending but its sad. seeing the boy and tree at the end. war....war never changes

Alicia Tosca

Great reaction and review you guys! I resubbed for the AOT finale with you after watching Korra, She-Ra and AOT with you guys many moons ago. Kenny - I also picked up major bird motif . I think Eren is the bird from the boat with Armin and the bird with Mikasa's scarf. What if Eren transferred his consciousness to the bird like Reiner transferred his to his body to survive Levi in S3? Idk how exactly with the bird but it felt like major emphasis on the bird and Eren with certain scenes.

Dr. Ogenrausch

just in case no other german viewer of you wrote it before me: the ending song when the tree transitions to the far future actually has a part in it which is german and translated to english it says: "the world that broke the sword of the boy; will reach the top of the skyscraper; and looking down laughing on the tower of babel; hatred and anger are a double edged blade; the history repeats itself"


I love this ending that Isayama chose because no matter what humans will always be humans and war will always be war and can’t be stopped no matter what and history will always repeat itself forever


I wanted to ask, "What do you suppose Eren said to everyone else just before he died(specificaly Historia)?" but I was afraid it might be too spoilery. :/


So the dislike for the manga ending wasn't the message, the final scene with arimin and eren was just super akward and they didn't like it. The anime more or less fixed it. Also it seems like yall missed a lot of the finer points of the ending and it bugs me so I shall explain. Eren can't talk through birds he visited all of them in the Paths prior to the final battle, in Mikasa's case he gave her 4 years with him in an alternate reality, so that she could come to terms with killing him. Now when it comes to Ymir imagine that for you past present and future occur simultaneously, this is what you have to do to understand her. Ymir at the end wanted to stop the rumbling and titans. But Ymir who Eren found in the paths wanted genocide, after all she had been suffering 2000 years, and after such an ordeal blowing up the world would be the natural knee jerk reaction of anyone in her shoes. Something had to change her mind to get the end of titans and the rumbling, 1) armin and zekes conversation convinces her that life is worth living and not just torture we endure to reproduce(notice that she is watching all these scenes as they play out), this convinced her to betray Eren and allow Bertold and company to help in the final battle. Then she needed to see Mikasa kill Eren so she could understand that loving someone does not mean you always take their side. Mikasa loved Eren and she killed him anyway, letting Ymir know she could let go of Fritz's orders. So why did the rumbling happen? Not because Eren is an idiot, it was because future Ymir wanted an end to titans and by extension her own suffering. Which means future her had to manipulate Eren to create the situation that would convince her to disobey king Fritz. Depending on how far you read into this Erens whole worldview about wanting freedom may not be his, it may be what Ymir manipulates him into believing in order to free herself.

ryan davis

id love to hear a whole philosophy breakdown of the entire series as a whole from you both (I know you kind of done that already) like going through moments with the knowledge of everyones history and actions, attack on titan really is just a well of core moments, and you both interpret it in such an interesting and well thought out way

ryan davis

attack on titan deep dive? 0.0

First Grade Sorcerer - Day (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-21 18:40:25 finally watching, first time I'm seeing this is dub, literally 8 min in and wanted to share that the music is by the same person who did the song for the first season when the cadets face their first titans when the wall breaks after training, and just the nostalgia from OG fight just UGH loved
2024-01-19 23:26:21 finally watching, first time I'm seeing this is dub, literally 8 min in and wanted to share that the music is by the same person who did the song for the first season when the cadets face their first titans when the wall breaks after training, and just the nostalgia from OG fight just UGH loved

finally watching, first time I'm seeing this is dub, literally 8 min in and wanted to share that the music is by the same person who did the song for the first season when the cadets face their first titans when the wall breaks after training, and just the nostalgia from OG fight just UGH loved


The pure desperation in Reiners and Annies faces will never not be heartbreaking. 1:03:25

Bradley Hall

I waited till I had watched the finale to watch the reaction but as for sub worshippers. I'm glad they boosted engagement but they are a absolute plague on any dub channel anime lol

Jesse Carmines (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-29 10:48:59 It's been an amazing journey watching with you guys. Ive been holding off reacting to this because i didnt want it to end. Yall are amazing, thanks for letting me experience it with yall again!
2024-03-29 00:25:42 It's been an amazing journey watching with you guys. Ive been holding off reacting to this because i didnt want it to end. Yall are amazing, thanks for letting me experience it with yall again!

It's been an amazing journey watching with you guys. Ive been holding off reacting to this because i didnt want it to end. Yall are amazing, thanks for letting me experience it with yall again!


People were only really mad with the manga ending and they were only really mad at one line from armond where he thanked Erin for the genocide


Erin said he wanted what he always wanted to leave the walls and to see a world with endless possibilities


It was basically just armond saying thanks hes glad that eron committed genocide because it will make their life easier that's why people didn't like the manga ending


Watching Montana be baffled at the idea of people disliking the end had me rolling lmao some of the anime fanbase is absolutely delusional and only want the ending they imagined when this show clearly goes far above and beyond their imagination LOL I'm so sorry Montana, people are really cringe.