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Ah yes the rule about a specific bictims name very important. But could be cannon that Ryuk doesn't do spell check.


OMG Can't waaaaiiit

André Carvalho

Yes, the next three episodes are quite good! Please, consider my questions for these, haha!


"Those are some sunglasses" hahahaa that was funny and the "Is that mello" when the toy says KIRA was too funny


I agree. Near wants to catch Kira, but L had some... "showmanship". He said it himself that he was immature and a lot of the guesses that L made about kira were sometimes "because that's what I would do". We see that L hated Kira but enjoyed the challenge. As much as Light did. Near's "game" if anything is more about catching him before Mello, rather than engaging in it with Light himself, IDK if that makes sense.


Exactly my thoughts. L wanted to win and prove that his justice was better than Light’s. Near just wants to “solve the puzzle” and catch Kira. L wanted to come out on top, while Near couldn’t care less as long as Kira is gone.

Peter Amet

He was clouded by his relationship with Light too. He says early on there's no could be about it. Light is Kira. Yet knowing this keeps investigating and fooling around because he's his first friend. If he had no emotions he'd have locked him up or something


I think the funniest thing about this episode is that Light's team has been with him through thick and thin and has been given several definitive moments of evidence that he is not Kira, especially with the fact that his father saw his name with the eyes as he was dying, and Mogi is like "now that I heard that they were swapping notes... he HAS TO BE KIRA! IT IS UNDENIABLE!" lmaoooo

Keshan Fonseka

The 2 of you are beautiful and very cheerful. There is happiness inside of me, every time I see the 2 of you interact with each other. It's very wholesome to watch.


Woo, final stretch! Did we have a decision on what the next series will be yet, since we're literally a week and a half away from DN ending?


Also Kenny, you'll probably catch it in editing but but when Mikami kills that person on the train, he takes out a cell phone, takes a picture (and presumably also texts a name) before writing it in the notebook, which satisfied the requirement for seeing a face, having a name but still using a fake notebook.


No idea if anyone or even you two will see this but, I'm think I was around 15/16 when I started watching, Im pretty sure I've been watching you two since Kenny was posting short clips on TikTok and now I'm almost done with my first year of college. Thank you very much for these videos, it's a joy to watch.

Peter Amet

Yeah the writing in the back half is more chapter focused twists. Like dad seeing he isn't Kira is a great twist that they ignore quickly. More logically they should have told N yeah this stuff is suss but he can't be Kira because of X and Y

Peter Amet

I like that they missed some stuff it's actually making it super entertaining. Kenny seems adamant on some things that are gonna be interesting twists but I think first time through you're supposed to miss some things and be surprised in the final moments yk


Yeah I think since there are three eps left and a lot will happen, it'll just end up confusing them further if they don't clarify things. In this case, the show very explicitly has Giovanni say "A cell phone??" to call attention to that bit and still they missed it and got confused :D


Lets just say it: the rest of these detectives are honestly terrible at their jobs. It's been years and they are absolutely not a single step closer by themselves to catching Kira and a uni student has overtaken them and become the lead on their investigation. They're basically reporting to the new guy and not solving the case anytime soon. Amazing that they still have funding and are on this case, tbh.


They did look like sunglasses! xD


WOW!!! Thanks for the support over all this time, and CONGRATS ON YOUR FIRST YEAR OF COLLEGE! Thats amazing :)


Near is a G :D i feel like the police doesn't take him seriously bc he's a kid. But he is SO smart. Near and Mello are an amazing team.


I like the analogy Kenny made with L being a spearfisher while Near using a big net. I would even take it a step further and say L was a spearfisher seeing which part of the water had the most fish while near had general information on their location. In essence, L had to be the data/experiment in the kira case for Near and Mello.