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Itadori’s grandpa instilled in him the concept of a “good death” which causes him to develop a hero complex. Do you think it was an unfair request on his grandpas part even if it was on his death bed?

Eileen Hinman

JJK has an interesting cast of characters and I love asking this question when I introduce shows to friends and seeing how the answers change over time — Any love for certain characters? Who/what are you more excited to see and learn about? (Love/hate/want to know more will be a better question as we get introduced to more of the characters)

Eileen Hinman

What are your thoughts on Yuji’s just baseline physical prowess?

Eileen Hinman

Given Yuji’s personality, how do you think that will mesh with the new development we see at the end of the episode? Megumi said “a one in a million chance” - just a stroke of “luck” or do you think something about Yuji allowed for this to happen?

Eileen Hinman

Thoughts on the opening credits? Anything or anyone that caught your attention?

AJ Hutchinson

The idea in the series is that you have to fight curses with curses. I always found this to be in interesting system that leaves little room for compromise. What are yalls thoughts on this new power system

Peter Amet

I would love you to discuss some Japan vs West stuff here as y'all watched some anime now. In the West we often see the idea of Possession as a horrible Exorcist type spiritual encounter while in the East it's more common for these spirts to try and get along and live with people. Their practices of washing hands before entering temples are more about avoiding the situation and it's still common today. The Idea of Curses is actually common in Japan with Yokai being the term. The word can translate into Demon Monster or Fairy Apparition, and while named Demon they are not like Western Demons and more seen as spirits. I do not fully know the culture and how much it's still believed today but I figured this might bring up some interesting discussion around different cultures and their view of the afterlife since it's a big part of the show especially in this episode.

Malik Black

Thoughts about the designs of the curses ?

Eileen Hinman

Also episode 1 doesn’t have the outro song because of the ending but please watch ahead to episode two for the best outro song ever

Ayden Watson

Do you guys think that Itadori will be a main character that you guys like a lot?