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So can we all agree Shadow Weaver/ Light spinner should never be allowed near kids again?


When Shadow Weaver is being manipulative I noticed she likes to touch the person she is manipulating. With Glimmer’s father, to Catra, and even Adora. Do you think she does that because she really does love the person (in her head) or knows it’s an easier way to manipulate people?


How will shadow weavers actions in this episode affect catra as seasons going go on?


Did this episode add any new feelings about shadow weaver that you haven't had previously? if so what are they? Also I wanted to say you got me into this show and now it is one of my favorites. love you both :)


What do you think Catra is struggling with about Shadow Weaver? Also knowing her past: Did it change your view on Shadow Weaver?


Catra’s need for parental affection really comes out in this episode. It’s almost painful to watch how much she needs shadow weavers caress of her face- like she’s been affection starved her whole childhood. What do you think this says about how deep catras trauma is and how it’s going to affect her going forward, with sw gone? I see a lot of material in this episode to discuss trauma bonding.


Catra began feeling hope and comfort in Shadow Weaver, even after the constant abuse, seeking her approval and affection. But then is betrayed. What do you think this will do to Catra’s mindset going forward?


After seeing child Micah (Glimmer’s father) in the flashbacks, what insight/parallels do you see with Glimmer?


Do you think Shadow Weaver had the right idea in trying to seize power to defeat the Horde? How were her methods and strategies in Mystacor similar to her plans from season 1?


Shadow weaver tells catra she sees herself in her, and that she felt the need to essentially create the suffering catra endured, so she could become great. Do we think shadow weaver meant any of those things about catra or do we think they were only pure manipulation?


Where is Shadow Weaver?

Valentina M

I need the explanation from a psychological point of view. Why Catra keeps seeking Shadow Weaver's attention?

Valentina M

Light Spinner mentions something about wanting to mold Micah. Does that have anything in common with her intentions with Adora? What do you think are her motives? Do you think she always had bad intentions?


First Adora left the Horde and so Catra and now Shadow Weaver disappears. The first was the only true safe-person, the second the "mother figure" par excellence. What happens psychologically to Catra? Does she finally lose all her hold here? Who can fill this void in her, the desire for approval? Can Scorpia and Entrapta as friends? Or Hordak as a new father figure?

Mariana J

Do you think that what Shadow Weaver told Catra holds any truth or sincerity, or do you think it’s purely just manipulation.


You've speculated previously on the source of Shadow Weaver's power. What are your thoughts now?

Rory Fitz

In your opinion, does shadow weaver a) genuinely love catra and adora, b) think she loves them but doesn’t really, or c) not love them at all and is knowingly conning/manipulating them? Also, do you think her motives for doing the spell of obtainment with Micah were purely a selfish power grab, genuinely to try and protect etheria, or a mix of both?


we meet a character from the past that shares lots in common with 2 of our current main characters. Seeing how this new character's story ends how do you think the characters who share similarities are going to end up? Also with characters do you think this new one relates to?


Shadow Weaver justifies her treatment of Catra by saying Catra reminds her of herself. How does this mindset fit into a cycle of abuse? Have you seen this kind of behaviour from Catra at all?


Catra tells Shadow Weaver that "you don't get to ask things of me anymore", but still does as she's asked. Do you think Shadow Weaver going away will give her the distance she needs to let go of her approval, or make her more desperate for it?


Shadow Weaver’s manipulation towards Catra finally unravels after all this time… to the audience in particular. Her emotional breakdown after she notices SW is no longer in her captivity and her realization that she was using her all along is a huge deal, especially with someone who’s been deceived all her life. That being said, how might you believe this breakdown and very realization affected her own mindset, how it influenced her, and whether or whether not it will change her perceptive of people completely?


How will you describe Light Spinner's manipulation of Micah compared to her later charges Adora and Catra?


Again, the music is brilliantly used. In the scene between Catra and SW, the Promise theme sets in first as Catra asks her question about why and this transitions into the " children" theme as Catra finally - or so she believes at that moment - experiences affection and you believe she is sitting there with you as a small, vulnerable child, which she is in this moment on the inside. Her vulnerability is so centrally apparent here on the screen and the whole thing is underscored with the music.


How do you feel about Shadow Weavers original motivations when getting her power, vs what those motivations became after she was denounced, and how this plays into who she became.


We have seen many different angles of Shadow Weaver by this point; what are your thoughts on her motivations and ultimate goals? She manipulates Catra (and Micah), lusts for power, and seems to only care for herself. How do these elements fit into her overall character? Where do you see her going in the future?


How do you think Shadow Weaver's relationship with Adora -- in particular, her manipulation of and favoritism for Adora -- was influenced by the loss of her relationship with Micah and her perceptions of why that loss occurred?

Harley Taylor

We finally see so much about Shadow Weaver, what do you think how quickly she changed allegiances both in the past and her running away from the Horde? Do you think Shadow Weaver's attachment to Adora was purely because she sensed a power in her? Also what do you think about Hordak being the one to find Adora?

John Alexander

Did you enjoy the mirroring of Catra & Shadow Weaver in this episode ? The way Catra feels threatened by Entrapta is similar to how Light Spinner felt threatened by Micah & the way Catra feels like Hordak never listens to her mirrors how the Guildmaster ignores Light Spinner's ideas. Which (ironically) he probably shouldn't have. Given Castaspella is the Guildmaster now, that old dude probably got smoked by Hordak. Ooh, also do you think this is the "final straw" for the last shreds of hope Catra may have had about getting a "happy ending" ?