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Hello everyone! just wanted to let you know about a new perk for all members! From now on, each video will have a bonus footage reel that will consist of a lightning round of answering the questions yall ask us! basically, we want to have a longer discussion, but for youtube answering that many questions is a bit too much. So, it will be a separate patreon exclusive video!

This is because of how amazing you all are, and the support you guys give me and Montana. We truly value you all as patrons and friends, and I will keep adding perks as I think of them!

Also, just wanted to let y’all know that if you sign up for a one time payment annual subscription, you get 2 months membership free! Thanks to the 4 incredible Annual members we have so far!

Nathan short ridge, Goldwarr, Alec Campo, and Shane Gilroy, y’all are truly incredible!



I love that SO much! ♥️

Ana Andrade

Awesome. How will we be submitting these questions?


On the posts! I’ve been posting “questions for episodes 13-14” as their own posts on here, and the comments are questions

Ashley Blue

AMAZING!! The discussions are my favorite part


That sounds like a fantastic idea.


Dats a good idea, I always liked the post episode discussion and thus us basically just more of that.