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Here is a post to ask any and all non spoiler questions you all want to ask about episodes 7 and 8 of Book 2 of Korra! Make sure to put the episode the question is for beforehand, and thanks in advance to all!



Episode 7: How do you all feel about the change in animation for the episode?


Episode 8 do you believe when the lion turtles left they as well slipped into the spirit world or did the become dormant and that is how one appeared in season 3 of avatar?


Episode 7: how do you feel about the change in animation style? Episode 8: how do you think Korra will handle harmonic convergence with everything else going on?

Will M.

Episode 7: What do you think of Wan's companion animal (as it is pretty clear every avatar has one)?

Will M.

Episode 8: Now that you know the how the avatar came to be the bridge between the spirit world and the physical world how do you feel about that aspect of the avatar's duties?


Episode 8: After learning the origin of the avatar, do you think it was just a coincidence that a lion turtle taught the avatar energy bending and brought Aang to Ozai?

Ana Andrade

Episode7: Do you think lion turtles giving humans bending abilities makes sense given what we already knew? How is it connected to the idea of original benders from the original series? (sky bison for air, dragons for fire, badgermoles for earth, moon for water) Episide 8: Even though Wan beat Vaatu, he still feels that balance wasn’t restored and that there’s still work to be done. How do you think this plays into what the role of the avatar is supposed to be?


Episode 7 What is your opinion on the spirits and their relations with humans? Do you think that spirits being able to enter humans is going to be important going forward? Episode 8 How do you think this new understanding of who the Avatar is will change Korra? Not that we got to see all that much of it, but what did you think of the world portrayed in the past two episodes?


Episode 7: how do you feel about the friendship between Wan and Aye-Aye toward the mid-end of the episode? Episode 8: what did you think of the battle between Wan/Raava and Vaatu, and when Wan became a permanently infused with Raava?


Also for episode 8, little known Easter Egg, the battlefield wan passes away in, is the same field where the ATLA episode: Zuko Alone takes place at the beginning


Episode 8: If Avatar Wan's desire was to bring balance to the material world first, what does it say about humans that they haven't yet gotten to a point where an Avatar felt confident enough to re-open the spirit portals in almost 10K years? What does that say about us?


Episode 8: We see the original airbendin nomads using this solid cloud to stand on and we haven't seen anyone do that kind of thing in the present day. Do you think the bending powers originally directly given to humans by the lion turtles were more powerful and have been diluted over time since it's just passed down to their descendants since? The episode mentions "dozens of lion turtles" who may have different bending or other powers to grant. Do you think the newer bending variations (metal bending, electricity bending, energy bending, etc) had their own lion turtles or did humans just evolve them themselves and the lion turtles just have the big four?

Jerry Ferrell

Episode 8: How do you feel about the role of the avatar in restoring balance originating from fixing the mistakes of the first avatar? Does this change the way you view “the avatar?”

Alec Campo

Episode 8: How do you feel about Raava and Vattu? A lot of fans were skeptical of this origin of the Avatar, but considering the Avatar was always meant to keep peace & had the ability to be the spiritual bridge of the world, that it made sense for a “spirit to live inside the Avatar.


Episode 7: What do you think of the Bhanti and the Fire Sage who found and saved Korra? Their tribe predates Avatar and are essentially spiritual sages


Episode 7/8: Do you think Mula ( Avatar Wan's animal guide) is also reincarnated as each Avatar's animal guide? Like Mula got reincarnated to Fang, and Fang to Appa, and now currently Appa to Naga.


Episode 8: Not really a question, but more of an observation. If you look at the Air Bison's ears at the end of episode Episode 8, they have brown ears. Appa had white ears. Technically, Appa was the last pre-Hundred Year War Sky Bison, similar to how Aang was the last pre-Hundred Year War Air Bender.

Caroline_ RamenNoodles

Episode 7: After learning about avatars wans backstory, would you like to learn more about other early avatars?


Episode 7: What significance do you think this episode has within the story arc for season 2?


Episode 7: What do you think about how this episode adds to the lore of bending. That it tries to fit into what we learned from ATLA. That the ability to use the power of the elements was given from the lion turtles, and the actual art of bending was still learned from the original benders (bison, dragons, etc).