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After much anticipation, here is the first episode of our LOK reaction series! Hope you all enjoy, and thank you for the support!


(No title)


Neels (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-15 17:18:53 Hope moving is going well and not super stressful <3
2020-11-14 19:36:56 Hope moving is going well and not super stressful <3

Hope moving is going well and not super stressful <3

Kalah Dolman

This was great! Your edits really are just getting better and better. While I have no intension of spoiling anything for you guys, I will say remember that Katara was pretty vague when she stated most of her friends were gone. The only confirmed deaths we have are Aang and Sokka from her lips. So all I’ll say is, don’t give up hope of one day seeing some of our darlings from the past in one way or another.


I hope we see them sometime! But also, I kinda like a fresh start. It’s been nice to be immersed into a new world without feeling shoehorned in constantly by avatar. People say “don’t compare it to ATLA!” But like they’re just not even comparable at all. And I LOVE it!


It is going fantastic! This video is actually my first usage of the newly installed WiFi! Thanks for checking in ❤️

Omri Shir

Having you both react to this for the first time is really something else! By the way, expect some of the questions you asked in the video to be answered quickly in the show, and some to be answered only around season 3 and after. It's worth the wait though :)

Will M.

I love how calm Cheyanne is throughout every video. Such a good cat

Rory Fitz

FYI when the baby is the wrong way it’s called breech position, and you can do an external cephalic version to flip it or do a c section delivery

Rory Fitz

Also loving the series continuation! Hope you react to she-ra someday

Lizzy Gayle

Loving the nails, Kenny ;)


Thanks so much! Gonna repaint them soon! Starting to look pretty rough haha

Jim clifton

Can’t wait for you guys to get to season 3 it’s the best season of the show

Cash Evans

there's a head canon theory that after the White Lotus finds Korra as the new Avatar. they introduce her to Katara, knowing that Katara was married to the previous Avatar. Katara feeling proud that the new Avatar is from the Water Tribe, yet still saddened by missing Aang. Korra, being a sweet young child sees this. And an effort to cheer Katara up asks her, "do you wanna go penguin sledding with me?" I want to believe this is true

Cash Evans

also, there is a series on Youtube from Comicstorian that reads and breaks down the Avatar comics. maybe you can react to those? with a side of your own reading? just a suggestion

Haley Mather

You guys are going to LOVE Korra. Question!! From seeing how much the Southern water tribe has changed and how modern Republic City, which use to be the fire nation colonies, how do you think other nations have changed?



Chris Shinya

Great episode guys! Love seeing you react too Kenny! So many big brain moments haha

Bryce Ammons

Love the first Korra episode! I can't wait to see what you guys think about a few things later in the series!

Will M.

Just so you guys know Korra is 17 in season 1

Noah Hunt

i love korra so much and am v except to see your reactions to the show!!!

Andrew G

Hey let me ruin your day by reminding you of the line, “some friendships are so strong, they can even transcend lifetimes” when Korra and Katara are saying goodbye 😭😭