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My only gripe with this show is that there is absolutely no way Jin-woo should have been able to survive running away from those monsters for 4 whole hours lol

David Bodor

My biggest issue with this show was the pacing. The first episode had a lot of issues, to the point that I think episode 2 should've been the first episode and the ep1 could basically be cut out entirely, but this episode I think showcases the bigger problem - We skip over a lot of training and do the worldbuilding via random characters just telling us about stuff instead of showing it, all to get to this Instance dungeon quickly, and the dungeon is honestly a letdown. The pacing and the writing and the way information is presented just needs more work, the main thing that I think is great is the animation and that's why I assume this show gets a lot of praise, because unlike other big name animes this year, it seriously lacks in other departments. The goblins are an enigma for me, because they look horrible, their design is basic asf, and it's so basic it gives me the vibe that it is intentionally that way, that they want to convey that these goblins are extremely low level weak boring enemies, but then they gave them the absolute smoothest move sets and attacks, full of personality and style. Why? Are they supposed to be basic or not? Are they meant to evoke the feel of being in a video game? Because if so, this isn't how enemies move/attack in video games, at least not basic enemies. The closest I can think of is dogs/wolves in Witcher 3 that do this circle/surround strategy, going in for a strike then retreating back to the circle while another attacks. It's a very rare thing and very specific to that enemy type, so I doubt they were going for that. Honestly as a massive video game nerd this show felt just off entirely, like they don't actually know wtf they're talking about, they don't have a clue how games work or play and why they work the way they do. It reminded me of Sword Art Online and that's NOT a thing you want to be compared to, bc that's another anime where the writing is bad and the world and its rules are poorly thought out, with no understanding of the thing they're trying to build. I feel like they could've taken some cues from Log Horizon instead. Granted that anime has a lot of issues too, but at least they know games a bit better. It's too soon to judge the entire world and setting for me, given it's just one rather quick season, but it's not very promising so far.