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We see Donald, who blew himself up last season, back in action no worse for wear. How do you think this was achieved? What kind of issues might this cause in the future?


Mark and Debbie are both further descending into emotional crisis in this episode. What steps should be taken to help them, and who should be responsible for facilitating the help that they clearly need? How would you try to alleviate Debbie's increasingly destructive behavior and Mark's unhealthy focus on his work?


In this episode, we see further effects of Nolan's actions, with Mark needing to clean up the mess Nolan left behind, and Debbie trying to give Mark a more normal life. How do you think the reverberations of Nolan's sins will continue to impact Mark and Debbie going forward?


Multiple plot threads are established in this episode: Shapesmith joins the guardians, Angstrom Levy is shown to be talking to an alternate version of Mark, and King Lizard kills Supreme Lizard. Where do you think each of these storylines are headed?

Herman Vallestad

in s2 we se Donald return without an explanation after he WERY CLEARLY died in s1. how do you think he came back or do you think maybe the Donald that died in s1 wasn't the real Donald.

Shahin Alimardani

In this episode we see Cecil record the scream from the sea monster that hurt Mark. Why do you think Cecil would do this, and for what reasons? And if Mark were to find out, how do you think it would affect their relationship?