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Heya, I'm sorry for the delays, but made some changes which I hope will worth it... yeeye sayin it for like 297th times.. BUT Finaly finished skin and few shapes, bit changed face and added one morher to boobs so they can get really nicely round... I'm happy to say that now looks awesome:) All changes may seems minor but details makes results and for me this is most sexy version I can make and I love it:D After a loooong time I don't have the urge to change something when I look at Agnes pictures  and can't wait to finish more clothes and picture sets and videos...With model I'm happy...One of best pros is that pictures are unedited, so this is pure render output, and is fast (about 2min render time), so pretty much animations will look same:) Still bit troubling with face expressions and synchronize face with moaning, but with some luck will post some good looking scenes sooner, because uhm I kinda wanna see Agnes bounce and move in some sexy way..Probably more then any of you :)

 But lets back to be bit more humble...After  some thinking and drifting aimlesly with content I finaly fully switched to warhammer 40k. Mass effects seems to be bit dead theme with not much upcoming and decreasing fanbase and on other hand wh40k is trendy as hell... and for my 18+ scifi it is still kickass universe with so huge lore that it can take lifetime chew thru all books and myths:D 

I wanna go with realisitc way as possible so started with bolter, used all my skills and knowledge so far to make it 100% mine way from basic shapes and sculted to something I can imagine to be 60cal rifle shooting self propeled grenades:D ...still need some textures but atleast made some posing with it ... got lot concepts which need still some work but other characters, armor, ships some shooting fighting ...well can't wait to get all done and enjoy some boobs, guns and rock in 90s action style:D 

Also tryed to find some other boob related artist if someone wanna coop with me but with no succes so shit happens...anyway, much thanks for all support and waiting and lets enjoy Agnes boobies and upcoming stuff togheder:) Boob crusade!



tom jones

She likes the feel of a long, hard weapon that only shoots when she wants it to - and has instant reload? Hmm, interesting girl lol


Better be careful or GW will "cease and decease" you just like they did with that "hentai" visual novel on Patreon


Oh, also *crosses fingers for a duel to the death between oversized evil fake-breasted Agnes and smaller but natural good Agnes* I can at least dream


-_- That would be unfortunate, I just wanna my boob crusade....


Some years ago I had dream about Agnes looking like this.... and here we are:)