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 Heya folks, sorry for delays, but last weeks and days was hella work for me...this covid bullshit is exhausting.  Despite I'm just technical support and project desiger in light branch of electro wholesale, people decided it is essensial job and because we got one guy for almost half country and everybody was home with lot of time to think and ask shitty questions...in short very bad weeks... But countrywide lockdowns seems to be on end so lets hope for better days:)....how you do with this Covid situation ? (feel free to writte in comments ) I hope you are all OK and fine... if some of you got finance troubles and some like 10 dollars paypall gift can help, send me a message :)  

...However about boobs :) ...each time I tried do basic animations with v10 Agnes model I ended up testing sex poses:D No matter if started doing, walk, jump or kick.. pervy mee.... So fuck it, I know it is bit stupid start with sex and do talkie walkie stuff later but...after all the shitty days I had, lets make some nice stress release sex vid... got prepared some basic moves and some ...uhm... favorite giana michaels "study material" on which I base body sync, camera setup and audio...I know it is bit lazy, but when I try to make up all those just on my own it looks bad and takes way more time.. hehe honestly can't wait to start first render today, so only question remains....what poses you would like to see? I'm  all open to ideas...let's build own short porn vid:D   

Feel free to write in comments...or if you got some favorite sex scene, post a link with time marks start and end,.... if it is not some super virus filled page...  wanna start with some basic cowgirl today, but what we add after or before is all open to ideas:) Just please no some fatal stuff, like amputations or pee/shit related ... I respect whataever makes your red balloon float, but I have no guts to spend several hours animating "two girl one cup" sutff.... 

Also if you got some idea how name it... I think anything would be better then Agnes's sex vid :D



Amazon position seems like it would be a good fit - it works well with big equipment and looks amazing. Also, "Agnes the Amazon" seems like both a good title and good description of Agnes herself.




I feel like Agnes has to be a very dominant woman in the sheets xD So a pose where she was over the guy it's more appropiated for her. So something like this https://es.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph59fd5b3aa715e making her tits bounce like crazy could be awesome.

Tarean Smiley

I would like to see you put her in a blow bang. That's where 3+cocks are just hanging in her face. like: https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5b91b1947c5e4

Tarean Smiley

Needless to say it'd have to showcase her huge boobs first and foremost. But I believe such a scene might be easier to make than you think.


Well I would love to see her in threesome where both guys pump like crazy, but my animation skills are not there yet...so lets rather start with simple things and get to more complex later:) But definetly would like to see your idea realised too,,,,


First of all, if you're going to make an Agnes sex scene, then to MAXIMIZE it, it needs to be Agnes WITH Agnes ! That's right, TWO Agnes models...they can be both female, or one could be Futa, either way, the MORE Agnes the BETTER ! Now if you want some Futa lez scene POV references, might I suggest starting with something relatively "simple" that shows their bodies and the motion fully, like Sleepy B's animation here https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5d6bec1d7010e