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heya, first concept of Lex unit 210320 :) 

still remainlot work on face and body shape and wanna make breasts as separate object because thats honestly only way how to make them able vary from 1 000cc - 120 000cc

especialy impossible to make solid texture of body where boobs cover like 8% of area when you wanna make boobs this big it will resize texture like 50 times and will looks like shit... so yeah will be interesting how  it will turn out , but I try remain enthusiastic:) 

story behind , well not 100% sure but soon will come up with something ...anyway as vampire for scifi setup seems robot as good solution:) What ya think?




Or a cyborg?


It looks very promising, can't wait to see more


What do I think? JUST FINISH HER ALREADY! Jokes aside, the concept is top notch and I can't wait for her to come to e-life. You could do a Vampire with cyborg implants and create what is probably the first Vampyborg with expandable breasts ever.


No female Robots please. Cyborgs are ok. But breasts must be real (organic).

Stuntman Shocking Lopez

interesting concept, especially if involves massive breast expansions 😈


The idea is sort of terminator rip off...living tissue over metal endoskeleton