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Hello as mentioned earlier I wanna now focus bit more on my way... 

I'm for years a big fan of mangrowing and one of his picture of Molly defined for me what I love and wanna achieve with Agnes :D ...somehow balance between realism and massive semi natural boobs + milla jovovich face which is my weakness...:D 

but I have to admit that I still enjoy crazy unreal shapes and sizes of mangrow more recent girls...and part of me would love to make one character like that, just crazy unrealistic slim ribcage and belly, solid hips and absolute batshit ton of boobage, but with my realistic style... got in mind one Vampire like idea for backstory, just not sure how people would acept boob growing based on sucking people...maybe too much silly, so not sure about the backstory yet, may change that depending on responses...but point is mangrow like characters as on 2 of his examples bellow.(not mine pictures, using them just as example.)

Name is Lexy, cus x is sexy by default and I like sound of that:D Got 4 ideas for face, but I'm always open for another suggestions... I got my busty Milla already so lets make what face you would like :) ...

Would you like content, ideas and options like this? I'm honestly divided on this...On one side I wanna do realistic stuff and apply logic and laws and on other... part of me just love these insane shapes and I can imagine myself having fun make some girl like that... even it may make me non coherent hypocrite...



Crazy and unreal always sounds good to me :)


Wait. Are you serious or what?! The boobpire (this word has been around on the internet for a while and there's also a Mistress Rhiannon video where she roleplays as a vampire whose tits grow when sucking people) idea is absolutely amazing and maybe finally we can get some Breast Expansion content, and even better, HUGE breast sizes. I'm honestly hyped by your ideas!


even the vampire overfeed adict which boobs grow each time she overfeed self? :D


I sadly have not much time for research... when I get some I usally tryin find some good shots and vids of real models or bworse artists, which I already know... so I'm absolute noob in these and well not used swing my strange fetishes around, already got enought laughts and strange looks because of Agnes breast size when showing my stuff out of my fanbase...so yeah, really glad to hear you would like to see it to:D


Just go with it. Like you said, you wanna do your thing. Let creativity run free and we will love it.

Stuntman Shocking Lopez

I love crazy unrealistic porn!, please be crazy, gimme impossible sizes please!!! 😍


Sexy Lexy Vampire Face Idea (with image links): "Nadja" from the TV show "What We Do In The Shadows" played by Natasia Demetriou - A bit different from routine, but an excellent version of a vampire that would be fun to try! - https://tinyurl.com/vx3wrdk Amber Rose - Fits the "voluptuous" idea, pouty features - https://tinyurl.com/uga5hd3 Amanda Fisher from Ash vs Evil Dead played by Jill Marie Jones - https://tinyurl.com/v2qaxxp As for the "Bust Vampire" idea of growth, I think it is dynamite and overfeeding is a must, show the grow! And that second picture you have from mangrowing is one of my absolute favorites when it comes to size, feel free to go nuts! Personally I would love to see your take on the realistic weight simulation at that size, those are at least 2ft diameter spheres, thats closing in on 120,000ccs, each boob would be ~260lbs.! And then keep going... Give us some "realistic" looks at the crazier stuff mangrowing does, or zdemian! What does zero-g do to a 4ft diameter breast that weighs close to a metric ton!


yay I like you hype man, also cool to see another mangrow fan! hi5...