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Glad to hear you're doin okay!! Updates to the mods are obviously great, but the person behind them gotta be the most important 🙏🏾


what’s the decryption key for the mega link?


We're here to support you even if you have to take your time we understand, the effort you put into your mods is something not all mod makers do. I am sad to see how much that website affected you and I hope it doesn't completely kill your enthusiasm for making mods.


it’s no problem, just glad to hear from you again


Take as much time as you need for yourself. I and everyone else understand that the other site is a very unfortunate problem but hope that with the new way you're doing things helps deter it from happening. What do you mean why "after the time is up" though?

HappyHappyMan 11

Its good to hear you are ok. All that matters is to keep going because giving up is for weak people(dark souls player here)


Can you make the thighs and crotch of your mod smaller? They ruin the proportions too much.


Thanks but I hate taking this long to get something out. It just doesn't feel right with me. Redacting the info before it shows up on the pirating site seems to work. That's why most of the info is just blank. There was a delete time of 3 days on Nahida's. After that, no one was supposed to know about her and that would be the end of it. However, I'd say a couple of people came from that pirating site or got word from somewhere else (after I said not to say/mention anything about her but of course people still did) and came asking for her after the time was up.


Any update from you is always appreciated. There's always the opportunity to revisit these mods later on if it's getting to be too much effort for now, so I think you shouldn't worry too much about including all those extra features from the start, especially if it's stressing you out with how long it's taking. Art takes time, especially with how much care you put into it, so I think we all can understand. :) Out of curiosity, do you have any idea what direction you'll take this page after the Hu Tao and Ganyu mods are completed?


Don't beat yourself up about it, making all the changes you have clearly takes time, as well as having life stuff get in the way. And, ah I see, they were good mods and seeing them no longer be released is a shame. As much as I'd like to see all of your content, if you can't get yourself to put them out, I'm sure I and everyone else will respect your decision.

Mr Topp Gaming.

I'd really like to get them both if it's possible when you are done with them. It's fine if you don't want to. Glad to see your doing okay at the moment hope you get better with time.


I just knew about you are making shortstack mod after reading this post🥺. Sad to hear you stop make shortstack mods but can I still get her in today?


Keep up the good work and take as much time as you need for the mods! Also looking forward to get both mods when they are ready!


Taking your time does not bother me. I love your style of mods and hope you continue to make them at a pace that doesn't burn you out.

Not a Monkey

I'm so glad to hear from you again! I hope everything's going well for you, and please take your time! Your own wellbeing is more important than your work, no matter what you do. Still, I'm very much looking forward to Hu Tao and anything else you cook up in the future! Just don't strain yourself on our account. Good luck and well wishes!


Its alright. I don't know how to mod, but with the detail put into yours, I don't mind the wait. Take your time and don't forget to take a break if you need to.

Man Sword

Linking to discord should prevent this situation

King Aries

I need a link to the mods I joined awhile back


As said before don't burn yourself out you matter more its ok that it takes more time your mods are gorgeous thanks so much for all the work you put into them.


As I said before. You come first. Take care of yourself and don't overstress. We can wait, if and when you get done with what you're working on count me in on supporting you.


Wishing you the best <3

Luis Martinez

big ups homie you're missed