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Hi friends,

FINALLY, we can release this! As you may have already read in our recent posts, we encountered many problems with the latest Meta updates.

But now, let's see what we have for you!

After testing it initially in the PC version, we have now implemented Conversational AI in VR HOT for Quest.

Previously, you could give voice commands and listen to the Hottie talking, but now you can have a real conversation. In the new AI settings section, you can enter a name, age, hometown, and a few interests. Additionally, you can choose personality traits. To activate the AI, go to Main Menu > Settings > AI.

Please note that the text-to-speech process is handled by the headset's CPU, which results in the AI's answers taking quite some time (around 5-7 seconds during our tests). We hope to improve this in the future, and with the Quest 3, we anticipate much better performance will be possible.

Disclaimer: This AI will be a free extra feature running on our own server for now. This means there might be some performance issues and server downtimes if multiple users use the AI simultaneously. Regarding privacy, while we could theoretically read the conversations in the live logs, we cannot assign them to individual users, and they aren't even stored.

We are actively working to move this to a professional service provider as soon as possible. As you are already a paying subscriber, this service will be included in your Patreon subscription.

What else?

As you can see in the full list below, we have added some more new stuff, improvements, and bug fixes.

There is now a second female voice (only 1 for AI), more pieces of clothing, and a few more sliders to play with. For example, in Main Menu > Hottie > Shape > Torso, you will find a slider called "Hip Spandex." While not entirely new, it now serves a different purpose. It's hard to explain, but let's try. Maybe you noticed some unnatural behavior around the hips, genitals, and butt crack when the Hottie bends her legs. You can now adjust and improve this with the slider. Just give it a try, and you will see what we mean ;)

Once again, thank you for your patience.

Take care,

: Conversational AI
New: One more female Voice
New: 9 more Pieces of Clothing
New: Attribute any Voice to any Hottie
New: More Sliders (e.g. Hip Spandex)

Improvement: Lip Sync
Improvement: Facial Expressions
Improvement: Teeth Shape

Bug Fix: Hitting Buttons in 2nd row of Interaction Menu
Bug Fix: Headset Flickering with Application Space Warp

Known Issue: Hottie getting stuck in small gaps between walls/furniture

For an installation guide and FAQs please go to our website. https://www.vr-hot.com/faqs-for-quest

Password: W2CwVL0J



Pig Sy

Thanks. Rejoined and downloading now. Do just uninstall 0.5.2 and then 05.3? Or is it ok to install over the top?


Hand tracking is not working for me.


What exactly isn't working? Doesn't your headset detect your hands?


are you only able to do hand stuff with the hotties on the quest version? my player doesnt have genitals in game

Dan Loeb

you can also use the dildos, or track your hand as it holds your "member", they tend to treat it as certain types of penetration (fingers versus genitals) depending on the penetration angle, the shape the hand is making (is it gripping a cylinder sized object irl?) and other stuff. it's not perfect, but I far prefer it to the awkward/clumsy controls of the pc version. (if devs are reading, please add rebindable controls to the pc version, the default twinstick smooth movement is like tank controls except in vr)


You "only" have your real body, so your real hands and your real genitals. In Grab Mode you can link the blue dildo-like object to your penis. Check out this video: https://www.redgifs.com/watch/vaguealiveichidna


Please add aging to skin, and height adjustment to the quest version


Is there a way to use a different background besides the 'passthrough' black and white of a room while using quest 2?


Hi Possum. VR HOT for Quest is Mixed Reality ONLY. In order to create good looking Hotties we had to get rid of environments and the Player Body. The Quest is not powerful enough to run everything in a decent quality.


Height adjustment is on the list. Aging is already possible (to an extent). You can play around with many sliders - open the Main Menu and go to Hottie > Settings to lower perkiness and firmness of the breasts. Go to Hottie > Shape > Face and use the "Face old" slider. There's sliders for crows feet. You can lower muscle definition etc. Adding 30+ years will not be possible with this system though.


Hi I finally got the game in my quest 2 library after installing the apk and downloading it from Sidequest on my mac to my quest via usb but it instantly crashes after 3 seconds every time i launch it. What should I do to troubleshoot?


First time player - are the controls working? I click "Lay Down" and nothing happens. Am I missing something? If so, is there somewhere that has a tutorial on all the controls?

Shulman Katzav

i cant join the discord and i need help


Hi there! You have to connect Discord to your Patreon account. The Bot will add you then automatically.


Hi Nigel. Have you already set up your room including furniture? If there is no furniture, the Hottie doesn't have anything to lay down upon ;) Make sure to check out our website's FAQs for more info: https://www.vr-hot.com/faqs-for-quest


Have you installed the latest version (0.5.3)? Which version number of the headset software are you on? (Go to settings > system > software update)


Hi! I'm also having trouble joining the server :/ I joined the first time but was logged into the wrong Discord account. It joined initially for that one, but now that I left the server on that incorrect account/logged out, then logged in with the correct account and tried to add the server, it will not add the VRHot Disc. server to my correct Disc. account.. Could you Manually send an invite? I'll send a message with my discord name just in case you can do that for me. Thank you!


Please check your age settings. Our channels are 18+ and only accessible if you have set your age accordingly.


Thank you it worked. How about other positions like "Cowgirl"...nothing happens when pressed. Do I need to be laying down?


I never had the opportunity to try the PC version but I’ve been playing the the Quest versions since not to long after you guys released it. With the current version of VRhot now released and the quest 3 on the horizon I thought I’d share some things that I thing would be awesome to see in future Releases. Can we get handjobs from the hottie next? Footjobs? I was surprised to learn that you can’t track their hand/hands with your own hand. Having their hand match your hand movement would produce a pretty realistic illusion/sensation I would imagine. As for foot jobs seems like it could work when they are laying on their back hanging off the bed. They can put their feet together and that would be your anchor point On the topic of laying down, currently all I can get the hottie to do is lay back on the edge of the bed with a little bit of variety using the change position function. There doesn’t seem to be a way to get the hottie to actually get on the bed with you. Mine always just walks around the borders and then awkwardly flails around until she gets into position at or on the edge. The option to have her actually get on the bed with you would create some nice possibilities. Missionary, all fours doggie, 69, riding on top of you. The idea of being able to have her come get in the bed, climb on top and ride you gets me pretty excited. Also I really think an option to have an in game penis would go a long ways to in regards to immersion and..gameplay. I have tried some other games where you can attach your controller to your hip and it will track your thrusts, I’d love to have that option with the hotties because sometimes you just wanna hump lol. Additionally I think the penis could be used to help orient the hottie to your position, help it assess whether your laying or standing and ultimately just line her self up to your penis for whatever sex act seamlessly and more accurately. Obviously sex toy integration with something like The Handy would AMAZING. Set your anchor pint and then the hottie preforms the selected act in accordance with your funscripts. Futas would be cool too. Now that you can use any voice with any gender, Imagine if you could toggle on and off various male or female genitals or combinations thereof. Penis and vagina, penis and a vagina but no balls, or hell a a gender neutral option it could just be a strapon. lastly over the last 2,3,4 months you guys have been working on ways to converse with the hottie via voice commands and AI. I find trying talk to the hottie feels a bit awkward and ultimately the conversation heavily relies on you to drive it. Conversely I think it would be really cool if your Hottie could give you JOI (Jerk Off Instructions) It’s a very popular genre of porn these days Incase you’re not familiar with it. The way I envision it is that the hottie could ask to perform various tasks, stroke like this or stroke like like that, go faster, go slower, play with your balls, cum when I count you down etc. and those task lists and the duration of session could be customized or randomized. From a visual standpoint the hottie could dance or masturbate while she’s talking to you or she could show you with her hand how she wants you, there are alot possibilities for customizing a session. If you made it to the end. Thanks for taking the time to review my feedback and wishlist of features I’d love to see. This (VRHot) is a really cool product with a ton of potential to grow so much more. Keep up the great work! Thank you!


Hi guys! The main menu doesn’t work at all. I can see it (arms, legs, torso etc) but i can’t change anything, it just doesn’t response on any button of controller. The hand mode works fine but i cannot change anything, what should i do?


Can you try turning the Interaction Menu on and off and then open the Main Menu again? Are both controllers on, connected and active when you are trying this?


Yep, that was the problem – it needs both controllers to be active. Thanks!


What is the time frame between updates? The thing I'd like to see most is an improvement in the way the hottie moves and interacts with environmental objects, ie the bed, couch, etc. Especially the bed. If I'm laying in my bed I want the hottie to be able to come to me, the hottie seems to be restricted to the edges of the furniture. I cant easily get her to sit on the couch or lay on the bed. Im sure this is not an easy task.


Alternatively and I believe this would be an easy one. All the the user to move the hottie around. when I grab her and try and place/pose her where I want, she wants to stay in place and snap back to where I originally grabbed her from, I get why that makes sense in a lot of circumstances, but a mechanism for moving your hottie and posing her how you want her would be a HUGE HUGE HUGE quality of life improvement.


We don't have a set time frame between updates. Usually it's around 6-8 weeks. Please make sure you have done your room setup properly. Sitting and laying down should not be a major problem then.


You can grab and move the Hottie e.g. by the hips or shoulders, but you can't rotate her. Posing shouldn't be a problem, maybe you are trying it too fast. Check it out in this video: https://www.redgifs.com/watch/vaguealiveichidna


Ahh ok maybe trying to rotate the model was the issue I’ve been having. Also with a controller is it possible to toggle the grab button on and off so you don’t have to hold it down? That would allow for hands free fun, whether it’s attaching the controller to your hip or to automatic toy like the Keon for example.

Ford Prefect

Crossposting from Discord just to see if others have this issue too. Ok I suspect this is a common issue but for visibility: Once in a while when I load a new hottie (from saved characters or cards), the right hand menu gets screwed up. This manifests as the various menu layers all superimposed on top of one another. Everything is actually click-able, and if a button three layers down is visible, I can usually click it. But of course it's a mess and most of the interface is obscured. Sometimes this persists across multiple new hottie loadings. There does not seem to be a way to fix it other than continuing to load new hotties until it goes away. I cannot figure out if there's some common element in what triggers this. It doesn't seem tied to particular hottie cards. It's persisted from the previous version to the new one. I think it happens regardless of what quality/rendering mode is on. I'm assuming this is common enough that you're well aware of it, but if not, I'm happy to perform any diagnostic/tests you need!


This is not common, we haven't heard about this yet. It's probably an incompatible HottieCard. Can you send it to us? info@vr-hot.com Thanks for your help!


I did the room set up twice when I tell the hottie to come to the (middle) bed and do anything she just starts to float away. How do you get the hottie to get on top of you and face you? She always turns around and look at me, turn over, turn toward me, doesn’t seem to make her keep the position and face you. Getting her to do anything on the bed except for positions on the edge is a major chore. Is there something I’m doing wrong?


Have you managed to get your hands on a Quest 3 …just wondering if we can expect a version/update for that upon release!


Hi, new sub here... I have it running on Quest 2, but noticed... 1: Text is so low at the bottom of your vision, you have to practically pull the headset off to read it. 2: While B opens the menu, none of the buttons work. I can't change any of the options with any button or trigger. I'm not sure if it's due to using Quest Pro Controllers or if it simply doesn't function yet. EDIT: I got it to work. At times the buttons register, other times they don't. Can't wait to try this on Quest 3 with detailed/color passthrough


1: This sounds odd, we have never heard of that problem. Are you using any tools/add-ons which might alter the resolution/crop? 2: We have seen this in rare cases, not sure why it happens yet. Just open and close the interaction menu as a workaround.

Braden Tyler

none of my hotties will lay down. i have clear defined spaces to lay, but neither male or female will lay. not even on the ground. is there something that i am missing?


Hey Braden! I understand you made the room setup and defined furniture, right? The objects might be too low, too high, too small or not well enough accessible for the Hottie. It's hard to tell without knowing your room setup. Can you give the measurements of the bed you defined?


It was a slight glitch with controller recognition. May be due to me using Quest Pro Controllers. It works fine now!

John Ruddell

Where is the proper place to ask question? The discord link is for PC version


There's a "Message" button on the front page. And there is an exclusive Discord for Quest. In our welcome message it is explained: "If you are using Discord, make sure to connect it to your Patreon account. The Bot will add you then automatically."


I also think that integration with a penis would be amazing, I saw in the game videos that there was a penis, but I guess you play the character and in the PC version?


In order to create good looking Hotties we had to get rid of environments and the Player Body. The Quest (even Quest 3) is not powerful enough to run everything in a decent quality.


New user here. Not getting any sound or reaction when I'm slapping that booty. Is this not in yet in the quest versions?