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Hi friends,

it’s us again, it’s update day again!

As you may already know, there will be a couple of major upgrades.

Let’s talk about the new Soft-body System for a moment. We already showed you a POC video and you could see the (nearly) final version in the cloth system demo video. We added a „stiffness“ slider to the Hottie Menu to adjust the „wobble factor“. Yeah, kinda hard to explain, just go and try it ;) In the Designer build you can even save it with your character.

Next is the new Cloth System. As already mentioned, we will implement it step by step on a growing number of clothes. So far we managed to transfer 2 skirts and 5 (new) tops / dresses to the new system, the rest of the clothes is still static as you already know it.

In the main menu you can now switch on/off the Smooth Locomotion. It works by using the stick on the right controller while pointing in the direction you are supposed to go.

For the other new features, improvements and bug fixes please check out the list below!

Of course we made a video again, check it out HERE.

  • NEW: Anal Insertion
  • NEW: Smooth Locomotion
  • NEW: Soft-body System (adjustable)
  • NEW: Dynamic Cloth System
  • NEW: 2 new Masturbation Interactions
  • NEW: 5 new clothes
  • Improvement: Toy Insertion
  • Improvement: Penis Insertion
  • Improvement: Facial skin and eyelashes
  • Bug fix: unwanted position changes
  • Bug fix: physics freaking out
  • Known issue: New clothes and soft-body don’t interact with furniture and sex toys yet
  • Known issue: Visual glitches (flickering skin) on Soft-body during character walking
  • Known issue: Visual glitches (flickering cloth) in extreme positions or big sized characters

Take care


P.S.: Great to see the Discord really coming to life now, keep it up! :)




Just wait for this moment


Is there any way you can create a smaller room? My game lags from having to render such a large scale room.


I don't know if you've tried Dr. Deviant's game, but if you can create a room of that size, it would be perfect. It plays very smooth on lower end hardware. Thanks again! Edit: you should add options to change the room scale size in the main menu


Next update will add a smaller room. But size of room does not necessary have impact on performance. Other factors are more important; but I guess our "new" room will improve performance for many systems.

David VR

This game got a lot of potential but it needs more clothes better physics and more enviroments. When you move with the arms in POV mode sometimes it stocks and you can´t sit down with the body clean. There is no AI reaction when I am speaking to the girl, she say all time the same text in a loop. I hope you will update this soon and take it to the next level. Greets


Spent a half hour in it not really impressed. In nearly every position the player character is too tall to line anything up and when you did stuff just popped out. Was so lame hearing her go nuts when no parts were anywhere near each other. Her hands constantly getting in the way during a bj causing the player's member to glance off her face was just a turn off. Almost none of the positions work and what is worse seems the left hand controls the body movement /rotation of the player so you are almost always out of position if you use that hand. Really hope this gets better and glad that I didn't get this on Steam.