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Hi friends,

thanks again for participating in our polls and your general feedback!

We heard you and will have the two most requested features in the upcoming update - Smooth Locomotion and Anal.

But there are two more major upgrades. First of all a Soft-body system. We already showed you a video with a POC a couple of weeks ago, but now it’s ready.

The second major upgrade is a new cloth system. From mostly static clothes to our own physics-based dynamic system. The unique feature in the market is that it works with the soft-body system as well! We will implement it step by step on a growing number of clothes.

We will also release a video at the end of the week to show you what it will look like.

Aaand we are already working on the BDSM room for the 0.5.3 Update, so stay tuned! :)

Take care


P.S.: Come and join our Discord. And keep sending us your feedback, screenshots and ideas!

  • NEW: Anal Insertion
  • NEW: Smooth Locomotion
  • NEW: Soft-body System
  • NEW: Dynamic Cloth System
  • NEW: 2 new Masturbation Interactions
  • NEW: 3+ new clothes
  • Improvement: Toy Insertion
  • Improvement: Facial skin and eyelashes




The toys in the last build feel like they're slipping in between my fingers to the floor. Can we get better grip on these items?


Hi Anthony, there'll be more improvements in the update on Friday, let us know if you're still having issues!


Hi there is still no full smooth locomotion. Rotation is still click turning ;)