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Hey friends,

thanks for voting here and on Discord in the last poll! 

All in all the winner was "More environments (room, furniture)", so now we want to know more about it. 

Please feel free to add your own ideas in the comments!

We think a new room should be available in one of the next updates.

Take care, VR HOT



office? Classroom? 😁

mario sammarco

I don't know why the male character floats at 50 cm. from the floor, I don't know how to set it level, so the experience is totally unsatisfactory


Hey, do you have the update installed ? 0.5.1? with this, the issue should be gone.


Also check if your virtual floor is same as real floor in SteamVR.


Ah, one final thing: You need to set your own height to your real height in the start menu.


I would like some new dialog to go with the bdsm. Some sub lines.


I had the same issue, (Steam version) and went back and forth to WMR to try set the floor level. In the end I discovered that if I changed the height of my avatar to 6 foot 3 in the VR Hot start menu, (much higher that my actual height 5 foot 8), the feet were finally on the ground in the game. Hope this helps if you didn't find a solution yourself. I'm using Hp Reverb G2