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holy motherforking shirtballs

link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/oxjbbxpgytau12ddgg50l/Game-Of-Thrones-106.mkv?rlkey=aml9m8jbzuy9gf3kx21gv5ki4&dl=0




I think you should have the subtitles on, because your supposed to understand what dany says in dothraki. Sometimes they don't give english translations because its explained by other characters, but most times its there and gives some context.


The reason Jaime is in trouble is that he attacked the Hand of the King. The Hand is pretty much a substitute for the King himself. If the king lets this slide, he looks weak and the other nobles would conclude that the Lannisters are the real power. So, the king must react. It's all about who has the most power, and who is perceived to have the most power.


okay that makes sense altho it's still weird how robert said that if ned refused to go back being the hand he would put jaime in that position