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not the horsey :(

link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ulr1kka0e1yd8lhlzsz9u/Game-Of-Thrones-105.mkv?rlkey=yas4mq2hn0pte89vkaosmjy7t&dl=0




The stag in the intro is for house Baratheon. The current king is Robert Baratheon, so yeah it's his family's sigil. Theon Greyjoy was sent to the Starks after his father's failed rebellion. He is, to put it bluntly, collateral. If his father would rebel again, Theon would be put to death. I don't think Robert is a very good king - but he's not a fool as can be seen from his conversation with Cersei. Catelyn took Tyrion to her sister because she couldn't just go to Winterfell. She would be safe at Winterfell itself, but the roads to there would be swarmed by people trying to free Tyrion for a reward.


I believe it was mentioned before but the intro does change depending on the locations visited by the characters in the episode. So since the vale was introduced in this episode, you can see it in the opening. It's kind of cool thing to notice where they will be by just the title sequence.