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no way that's how they ended it!!

link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/uqc0glc88j1i14bcoxyx8/Got-104.mkv?rlkey=3kdi2861810q9mst1zmurh1fd&dl=0




The targaryen hair is described to be more platinum blonde/silver. They have very distinct features.


Benjen - the guy who left to patrol behind the wall - is indeed Ned Stark's brother, but remember what they said last time: when you join the Night's Watch you renounce any family ties, at least in theory. Just look at Sam. The night's watch guy who trains the recruits is a bully for sure, but judging from his story he's also right about them not being ready for their duties. Especially since, apparently, winter is coming. "The next time you raise a hand to me will be the last time you have hands." The way she said that, I believe every word.