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Hey guys! Sorry this upload is a bit late but I hope you'll enjoy it :) it was really fun to get a small glimpse behind the scenes of making Angel. 

link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/g3hbr1ldvnpyc7b9k9ifw/Angel-S2-S3-Extra.mkv?rlkey=hs6trhts0f1n8o3c2fxs3pqn3&dl=0



Ron Fehr

It took me a while to recognize Andy Hallett too. When first watching the dvd extras, I didn't even think to look at the name of whoever was talking. Then one time, I must have caught his name on the screen and finally realized that was him.


I've seen a lot of behind the scene stuff with him, and even a couple of convention videos. A friend of mine actually attended a con he was at; and heard him sing live, if I'm not mistaken. I've also watched Amber Benson's movie Chance, which he and James Marsters is in.

Jenny Manchulenko

Kate didn't die in season 2, she was saved by angel, he saved her by putting her in the cold shower from taking too many pills, they were seen talking by the end of the episode .