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Welcome to the end of the Buffyverse! A true end of an era. This has been an amazing journey and i appreciate each and every one of you who came on this adventure with me! You guys truly changed my life and for that I'll always be grateful! To the people who were only here for the Buffyverse thank you and goodnight folks!

The plans for the coming weeks are as follows. Next Wednesday I'm going to be reacting to the angel dvd extras for s2&3. Then the Wednesday after that s4&5. Then we will be starting with Game of Thrones. I just wanna take the smallest of breaks before jumping into a new show, so GOT is officially starting on Jan 31st. Hope to see you there!

link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/sg2ggmxjmi74kxzbiw4bp/Angel-522.mkv?rlkey=ewbqtummcj6pdhk19ei4lslza&dl=0




So, I finally finished watching your Angel reactions. I don't rewatch the last 2 seasons of Angel as much as the rest of the Buffyverse, just not as fun. My favorite parts of the season are by far the episodes with Cordelia and Connor in them. Ha, funny after how gross they were last season, right? Anyway, for me, I find it interesting how at the end of Buffy, the two characters that don't make it through the final battle are the ones who "deserve" it, on a cosmic level, because they've done so much evil. (Spike and Anya). Buffy is about making it out of adolescence into adulthood, and all of our human main characters made it, even the ones who made big mistakes like Willow and Faith (and even Andrew). Then, Angel is the reverse. Lindsey, Wes, Gun (according to me, it is heavily implied that Gun will not make it, though I hear he does in the comics, but I don't consider those canon, so I think he's dead, Illyria said 10 minutes till he bleeds out), and ofc Cordy and Fred, don't make it. But all of our demon main characters live. I think Angel is about fighting for what's right even if you can never win. In this case, no matter how hard you fight, mortality waits for you in the end. The demons/gods survive, but humans can't ever defeat their destiny. Fight until you die. I don't like the ending of Angel, because like you I prefer a happy ending, but ofc it was already too late to have a truly happy ending, with Cordy and Fred gone. So, knowing the girls didn't make it, I'm kind of ok with the end, like, none of these brave humans are meant to die warm in their beds surrounded by fat grandchildren, as Jenny would say. They chose to give their lives to the fight. At least Connor is ok. But yes, in an ideal world, I would have liked Angel to get his Shanshu and go see if Buffy is cookies yet. 😁 Perhaps they could make it work with him human now that there are so many slayers, he wouldn't feel like he was distracting the one and only protector of the world from her mission. And I would like everyone alive, and also them never even teasing an Angel/Cordy thing because it messes with my Buffy/Angel thing. But Cordy alive! And Fred! And no Cordy Connor sex, ew.


Thanks for all of your Buffy/Angel reactions, and as you know, I'm sticking around although those are what brought me. You react to a lot of fun stuff!

Wisdom of the Sphynx

Thank you for all your reactions throughout the Buffy/Angel-verse. 🫶🏼💛. To shamelessly steal a quote from another universe “A good death, is its own reward” and while we can and should grieve the loss of our favorite characters, falling while fighting “the good fight yeah” (Doyle, Cordie, Fred, Wes) is better than just fading away 💛.