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another succubus?!?!?!

link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/trc747uscwevrjdowhzaa/Lost-Girl-110.mkv?rlkey=fqey0jikze6wfr6igm2lbjr5f&dl=0




I think I recommended the show Orphan Black to you once and you had mentioned that you seen it, yeah? Do you remember Art's cop partner, the lady that did the investigating with him after "Beth" left the force? Same actress who plays Saskia.


I won't speak for anyone else, but from my standpoint: don't worry so much about missing a reaction. I love watching these, but I'm perfectly fine just doing that whenever they come. Trick is completely wrong. Kenzi *is* the centre of the universe. Or at least of this show, even if Bo is technically the main character.