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well i guess someone's home AHHHHHHH

oh also Happy New Year everyone!!!!

link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ac5pw49on0honr8x1weze/Lost-119.mkv?rlkey=87nbelfc79r6nu8ni7x2p3sfs&dl=0



Victor L.

I will never ever forget hearing Michael Giacchino's amazing music swell and hearing John Locke, "I've done everything you wanted me to do...so why did you do this TO MEEE!!!"

Victor L.

Hmmm...as much as I love John Locke, re-watching this again, maybe the most significant thing we learn is something about Locke's true character - 1) he sent Boone up to explore the plane and did not tell him that he had seen Boone bloodied in his dream and 2) after leaving the severely injured Boone with Jack, he went back to the hatch and asked "Why did you do this to ME?". "To ME", as if it was all about him.