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Hey guys sorry for the late upload! Things were hectic during the holidays. Hope you enjoy the reaction :) this was quite the episode

link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/uv1x7pra3r9h3ct0jd56a/Angel-520.mkv?rlkey=g2o98um7jhajkwdr4o4m4d5wd&dl=0



Ron Fehr

Judging from episode 18 (the Connor episode), Illyria has retained some of Fred's memories, so she is able to remember her parents. As for taking Fred's form, it seems that Illyria still has some supernatural abilities, although diminished.

Jesse baldo

The immortal is not a vampire, they made it clear in the episode that he is not bad or good, that he does his own thing and they don't know what he is.