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i lost my mind

link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/q5j08wcfcdasl56kww00s/Wwdits-107.mkv?rlkey=1sjzl92mw51g634g0hsbhdsol&dl=0




So the camera crew was allowed in the meeting with the council, but not Guillermo? Very convenient. It didn't even occur to me that there had to be a camera crew down the well too, until they said it.


So remember when Laszlo was mentioning the names of his favorite prostitutes when showing off his topiary sculptures? One of them, Polly Nichols is actually the first canonical victim of Jack the Ripper, confirming he probably was Jack the Ripper. It is a very subtle joke, but its part of a recurring joke that almost every time Laszlo mentions a famous person he knows from history, it is someone who was famously murdered... implying that Laszlo may be responsible for many many many many famous murders.