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she came clean

link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/9t07ucsrtn5m6zqkufh9c/Lost-117.mkv?rlkey=15y9kdzvlwvozgu5nlpgbz4hl&dl=0




I feel like sun & jin's relationship was always going to end up the way it did, with sun's dad in the picture. He clearly is a wealthy and powerful man. Everyone's lives off the island seems to be terrible.... maybe its better they are stranded.


As Victor said, "lost in translation" is a common phrase. Something can be lost in translation between people who don't speak the same first language or who come from different cultures, or we also might use it for other miscommunications when some information just doesn't get passed along correctly even between native speakers. I enjoyed this ep a lot. The Sun English reveal, Jin's backstory. I do feel like from what we saw, Jin did want them to start over, and I got the feeling when he said it was too late that that was more the writers wanting to drag out their conflict than actually true to his character, but oh well. That's so cool you caught Hurley on the TV. I have no idea if I had ever noticed that before, but probably not. I wonder if the next ep will be his backstory, what with that hint and also the episode ending focused on him.