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the man she what???

link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/lzc9fndl7dc635ejp83ir/Lost-112.mkv?rlkey=iw4fcm6ste0u70ky0bi7efta0&dl=0



Weird Magic

Originally airing on January 5, 2005, 'Whatever the Case May Be' is Episode 12 of Season 1 of LOST. It is the 12th episode overall and has an IMDB rating of 7.9, placing it as the #25 ranked episode of this season and #12 out of all the episodes shown so far.


I have seen this show, but it was a bazillion years ago when it was airing, so if I hypothesize about anything in any comments (like this one), it means I remember NOTHING about it. If I have even a vague feeling I remember something, I won't say anything in case of spoilers. Anyway, it would be cool if the song lyrics were in some way connected to the math since Sayid says the equations aren't understandable without some explanation, so I'm hoping it's a code or something. But also, if it's a children's song, maybe it's just a song that her kid (Alex) liked? That could be an explanation for her writing it over and over.