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what an intense episode

link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/3264yvpvojinxr8kt1qbv/Bsg-105.mkv?rlkey=7nnlw25ww4jrgiplpap7bh8bo&dl=0



Jonathan Hall

I freaking love that the President didn't try to order them to stop the search. And that the Adamas both after self reflection realized that they went too far and decided to call it off by only giving each other a look. I wish we had more adults like this in real life. I also like how the Colonel was the one in the right in this one as well. While he's generally pretty hard and unlikable, he's can be the correct one at times.

Andrew Pulrang

I have always thought that part of the reason why Commander Adama is so determined to find Starbuck is that he has only just had that big angry moment with her. So I think that generated some extra feelings of a kind of guilt ... like if you have a daughter who went missing, coincidentally right after you yelled at her. He would have been committed to finding her anyway I think, but being faced with losing her right after almost disowning her made everything more intense for Adama. It's also easy to forget that in the timeline of the show, it's only a few weeks or a couple of months ago that Commander Adama and his son Lee weren't on speaking terms, and hadn't been for quite some time. They have only just recently "made up" with each other. So that also adds some extra meaning to them supporting each other in the search for Kara. And I think it's also why Lee felt compelled to ask his father if he would search as long if it was him missing instead of Kara. So the whole thing is another step in the two men repairing their relationship.