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i'm sorry but huh????????

link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/a8gxuerued54nxgagt1gt/Interview-106.mkv?rlkey=ntjak356vmmvyq1m15ohtcrop&dl=0




Great episode/reaction. You are in for a treat with the next episode, so please avoid anything about season 2 until after the finale. I'm team Lestat all the way but the characters are so finely written and performed I empathize with all of them which makes for great drama, thus a great show. I can't wait for season 2!


You really can’t hate any of the characters. They’re all monsters but i love them and i want the best for them haha


Oh my gosh, I actually only started watching this show because I kept seeing your reactions to it in my recommended section! Thank you so much! These murderous toxic vamps own my life now! Can't wait for your reaction to the final! :D