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Hey guys I'm back :) Thank you so much for your kind words and well wishes! I feel so much better now and what an episode this was. Hope you enjoy the reaction :) and again thank you for your patience!

link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/dlwmz92wkr6q0iab0trxk/Angel-507.mkv?rlkey=af6yh9w692gtxmtay51spmg1t&dl=0



Ron Fehr

I like to think that when Wes called his father, he tried to explain the events that led him to make the phone call. And telling him that his cyborg version was killed in the end, leaving out the part where Wes himself did it of course. And I also like to think that his father realized his son's concern for his welfare and appreciated him for it. That at least would start to heal their relationship.

Cory James

It is SO intense to watch him argue for Angel and then not even hesitate when 'his dad' turns and grabs Fred. Man didn't even finish his sentence before Wesley unloaded his entire gun with a straight-face. I just don't like that he's always had this sort of obsession with Fred that just kept getting darker. (like telling Lilah to leave the glasses on while they had sex when she dressed up like Fred. That always creeped me out)