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i'm still in shock

link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/87gik3694rr28r07jgqr1/Angel-501.mkv?rlkey=flnixlu8s6w7ny1ogha7rizlq&dl=0




Season 4 is my least favorite season (of the entire Buffyverse) due to their terrible, gross writing and treatment of Charisma. I think you will find season 4 less pleasant on rewatches knowing what you now know about the character of Cordelia already being gone for good at that point. Completely unacceptable treatment of the actress and the character. I am just pissed off the whole season, except when Faith, Willow, Lilah, or Jasmine is on my screen. I do enjoy season 5 more, but I don't entirely consider it canon Angel since they changed soo much with the setting, Spike, and most importantly Cordelia. It sort of feels like a spinoff. Anyway, it's a good watch, but when I rewatch Angel I often just stop sometime in season 3 or very early 4 (gotta get Angel up off the ocean floor, and laugh at Justine's bucket). Then we skip to seeing Angel in the end of Buffy, we assume all is well with Angel Investigations and Cordy in LA (but nothing romantic is going on with her and her dear platonic friend Angel), Spike stays dead, and sometime in the future Angel will be eating cookies.😏 I do understand why people like season 5, some great and fun stuff! But the show Angel was really only fully itself for 3 seasons.

Christine Ester

I Just realized something after watching these episodes for years. the correlation between Gunn and Lindsey. Did they do the same thing with Lindsey that they did to Gunn? magically put loads of law knowledge into his brain. :0