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fuck david!!!!

link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1rx2v51nqz8few6/Heartstopper%20202.mkv?dl=0



Kirsten (Heavenli24)

This is such a cute and heartwarming show :). I just binged all of Season 2 today, then I started over again with your 2x01 and 2x02 reactions, lol! For info, when they talk about Elle going to Art College for Sixth Form, they mean the last 2 years of UK secondary school. The main years of secondary school are Years 7-11 (age 11-16) at the end of which, you take GCSE qualifications (which are 2-year courses in around 10 different subjects, including English, Maths and Science), then the final 2 years (Years 12 and 13, age 16-18) are usually called Sixth Form (named for the old British school system of having 'Forms' instead of 'Years', like they have in Enid Blyton books) Once you have taken your final GCSE exams at the end of Year 11, for the next 2 years you can either: 1) go to a Further Education (FE) college, which usually offers both academic advanced level (A-Level) courses and vocational courses, or 2) go to a Sixth Form, which usually just offers academic A-Levels, and may either be part of your secondary school or a separate Sixth Form College on another campus (my school had a Sixth Form so I stayed there for my A-Levels, but some schools don't have a Sixth Form so you have to go somewhere else). or 3) go into work-based training (like apprenticeships) until you are 18 After you have finished Sixth Form/FE College, provided you get the necessary qualifications (usually A-Levels), you can go on to Higher Education (university) to get a degree. So, in the show, Elle and Nick (as well as Darcy, Tara, Imogen (I think), and Nick’s friends) are currently in Year 11 and are about to take their final GCSE exams (usually you finish your classes in early May and then have 1-2 months of study leave and exams in May and June, while the rest of the school continues with classes until late July - hence Nick and Ben spending 2 weeks sitting in 'study hall' for the exams instead of being in class). In Elle’s case, she’s applying to study at an Art FE College after she has taken her GCSE exams, instead of staying at Higgs and attending the Sixth Form. Regarding Charlie’s History coursework, GCSEs are graded on a combination of coursework (about 25%) and exams (about 75%)… so Charlie really needs to make sure he gets his coursework done, otherwise he might not get the final grades he needs to get into Sixth Form... which could in turn affect his ability to go to university (if he so wishes).


Thank you so much for the explanation! This helped me out a lot! I was so confused about the whole thing.