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my favorite cold open!!!

link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/29b13cjvjc7ak7r/Good%20Omens%20103.mkv?dl=0




Oh man. I really need to rewatch this. 😊👻🔥. I love the book and first series. Before I watch the new season. High hopes here. Cheers Lexi.

Seileach Corleigh

In 1941 in the church, the prophecy for 1972 that Aziraphale is quoting says, "Do not buy Betamax." That is the name of Sony's videotape brand that was the competitor to VHS. VHS won the marketing war to the extent that their company name is now the name for the product itself, like what happened with kleenex and xerox. The Nazis misheard the word "Betamax" as the name "Peter Max" because the company didn't exist yet. Ironically, years later there was a actual artist named Peter Max https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Max His boldly-colored designs were a major part of 1960s pyschedelic art and culture. I don't know if there's any significance to referencing that name or if it's just a throwaway pun based on confusing "B" and "P" sounds.