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that whole scene was so crazy

link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hppooj82mfki937/Angel%20419.mkv?dl=0




I just found a little plot hole watching this I think. For Fred and Angel, they didn't lose their "love" right when the blood entered their system. It was when they looked at Jasmine after the blood had mixed with theirs. But for Lorne, Wesley, and Gunn, they didn't need to see Jasmine. Of course, those three had Cordy's blood, not Jasmine's, so we can explain it away as having a different effect. But still, Fred and Angel should have thought that after the blood thing they would need to let the others leave to go take a gander at Jasmine before they were cured. 🤔

Cory James

The funniest thing to me is that Angel thinks they taught Fred how to escape except she spent 5 years on Pylea escaping and stealing and hiding LMAO that's her entire life bro, you're not finding her.