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hey guys so as you can see i'm rewatching the first season of good omens as preparation for season 2 which is coming out very soon. this might be a bit of a boring reaction for people who have already seen the show but if you haven't watched it yet you are safe to check it out with me because i won't be talking about any spoilers. hope you enjoy the video even tho it's not a first watch for me. there are actually parts i have forgotten so i do end up being shocked about some things haha

link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cmrw7iqh07ib8gg/Good%20Omens%20101.mkv?dl=0




This was so much fun. I honestly don't remember much from this show and seeing it again was awesome.


It is possible for two dark haired parents to have faired children. Blonde and red hair are recessive traits, while dark hair is dominant. Both parents can receive those traits from a parent or ancestor, but as long as the dark hair trait is present, they'll have dark hair (generally. I don't know if there are potential biological exceptions). But they still have the ability to pass ont he lighter hair trait they inherited to a future child. Also, it's possible for a person's hair color to change color naturally over time. I always had dark hair, but my siblings both had fairly light, even blonde colored hair when they were younger; and by the time they were teens it had darkened to more of a darkish sandy brown.